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O'Dwyer's Public Relations News
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About: O'Dwyer's has been covering public relations, marketing communications and related fields for 53 years. The company provides the latest news and information about PR firms and professionals, the media, corporations, legal issues, jobs, technology, and much more through its website, weekly newsletter, monthly magazine, directories, and guides (O'Dwyer publications). Our editors and writers have more than 75 years of experience covering the PR field. They come up with stories and insights that appear nowhere else. We're the most quoted source on the PR field by major media because they know we have the answers. Both the New York Times and Washington Post have referred to O'Dwyer's as the 'bible' of PR. The O'Dwyer Company is based in New York City at 271 Madison Avenue, the same address the company was founded at in 1968.
Capitol Communicator -- PR News in Washington, D.C.
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About: Dedicated to bringing together the vast spectrum of communications professionals who influence and educate the Mid-Atlantic region and the world by providing news; trends; education; and opportunities for networking, career enhancement, business exchange and showcasing great work, Capitol Communicator serves as a resource to the region's communications community. Capitol Communicator focuses on connecting communicators and building a community that encompasses professions that include public relations, advertising, marketing, media, creative, video, photography, printing, digital and the multitude of other professions that support this region’s multi-billion-dollar communications industry.
Michael Levine -- America's Leading Media Expert
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About: Michael Levine is America’s leading media expert. Levine is the best-selling author of 19 books, including 5 international best-sellers. He has delivered career development presentations at both Oxford and Harvard universities. Levine has provided counsel to **43 New York Times best-sellers, **58 Academy Award Winners, **34 Grammy Award Winners and provided non-paid media counsel to 3 U.S. Presidents (both political parties). Also, Levine has lectured for Bill Gates’ leadership team and has provided commentary for numerous publications including The New York Times, USA Today, Forbes, Variety, Fox News, and Good Morning America, among others.
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of
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About: Mitchell P. Davis won the Georgetown University Bunn Award for Excellence in Journalism and graduated from their business school. Started his PR business in 1984 with publication of the Talks Show Guest Directory. Served on the board of the National Association of Radio Talk Show Hosts. Now in it’s 37 annual edition the Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons has been requested by tens of thousands of journalists. See and download a free copy of the 37th Yearbook of Experts at -- his website: hosts all the expert profiles and hundreds of thousands of news releases. His resources are loved by the new media. --- The New York Times called it: 'Dial-an-Expert.' The Associated Press called it: 'An Encyclopedia of Sources,' and PRWEEK called it: 'a dating service of PR.' He also founded The News Council, to help non-profit groups use the power of his networking.
InfoCommerce Group -- Specialized Business Information Publishing Expert
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About: InfoCommerce Group Inc.(ICG) is the leading consulting, publishing, conference and research company focused on the data publishing industry. Our tagline, 'Defining the possible ... delivering the practical,' reflects our position of thought leadership within the industry, balanced by many years of front line experience. Our visionary outlook and real-world expertise has been employed by nearly 30 database publishers of all types and sizes in nearly a dozen countries.
Rick Smith -- News USA
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About: Your Premier Source For News Content & Copyright Free Media Placements. NewsUSA has created and placed over 15,000 editorially sound newspaper, radio and online features that educate and inform consumers about finance, health, safety and travel as well as home and holiday topics. The Public Relations (PR) advertising specialists of News USA have accounted for media placements and social syndication of copyright free articles in excess of 3.2 million. Associations, government agencies, foundations and consumer product and service companies look to NewsUSA's editorial expertise and our expansive network of newspapers, web sites and radio stations to efficiently and effectively deliver
Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. Media Psychiatrist
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About: Internationally renowned, Dr. Carole Lieberman is the psychiatrist the world turns to for help coping with today's times. Hundreds of interviews include Oprah, Larry King, the Today Show, Good Morning America, O'Reilly Factor, ET, Court TV, the N.Y. Times & USA Today. She is the author of Coping With Terrorism: Dreams Interrupted, and Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them, and When to Leave Them. A multiple Emmy-award winner for her TV work, she is also the host of 'Dr. Carole's Couch', an Internet radio show on The news/entertainment industry relies upon Dr. Carole for her uncanny ability to jump in, deliver and excel in any position for which she is needed: TV/radio host, commentator or regular guest; author; trial analyst; reality show therapist; and much more. If it's breaking news... she's on it. Dr. Lieberman has a high-profile clinical and forensic practice, and is on the Clinical Faculty of UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute.
Rose Lee Archer M.S.
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About: Elevate your career from an unknown to a distinguished expert through: How to be a Media Magnet. Discover Rose Lee's Award Winning approach to a dynamic interview. Reveal your talents and skills to light up the airwaves and create a lasting impression: Documented research reports the delivery of a television interview impacts an audience based on 7% content, 38% voice and 55% body language. Featured expert guests on the Rose Lee Archer Show expand expert advice to our viewers.
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
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About: Jan Du Plain is the CEO and President of Du Plain Global Enterprises, a global public relations and special events company that specializes in representing diplomatic and international organizations. For years, Jan has been immersed in DC’s diplomatic community developing rich and substantial experience developing networks within embassies and other international associations and institutions in DC. Jan has played a lead role in developing numerous events that have featured heads of state, ambassadors, experts, and other influential participants as well as significant and wide-ranging programs including Passport DC Around the World Embassy Tour and World Trade Center/DC’s Embassy Showcase: Winternational.
William S. Bike -- Historical Commentator
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About: As a historical commentator, William S. Bike, senior vice president of public relations, communications consulting firm Central Park Communications, uses his encyclopedic knowledge of history to add an unusual depth to discussions of current events. Bike has made frequent radio and television appearances and literally wrote the book on campaigning: Winning Political Campaigns, a how-to handbook on running for office. Reviews of Political Books ( said, 'from a practical political standpoint, it is the best book out--yet.'
Michael B. Butler, Author of 'Round the World & Across Russia in 21 Days, 30 Years Later.'
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About: The ‘1st Annual Around the World Air Rally’ was the first western or civilian group of general aviation aircraft to circumnavigate while crossing the entire landmass of Russia, but that is only part of the story. Our group was under protection of one of the highest officials, Vice President Rutskoi, in an effort to create updated cultural and business ties between old enemies and new friends. Five days in Moscow and across Siberia we carried the highest authority in our back pocket... but sometimes in some places that was not enough...
News Council
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About: We identify important public affairs issues which may require public relations help -- issues that, with greater information, can increase better understanding by all Americans. We ask public relations executives to donate non-peak time to assist non-profits. We match non-profits with public relations execs willing to volunteer their expertise. We ask firms which provide public relations services to donate or provide reduced prices for their services, bandwidth, advertising space and executive time for assistance:
Mike Siegel -- Media Training
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About: Mike Siegel's conservative-libertarian views dominate his approach to the issues. Whether it is potential constitutional violations or leadership by the President, Mike Siegel uses his penetrating analysis to get the real issues to his audience.
Denny Hatch -- Direct Mail Expert
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About: Denny Hatch is a freelance writer, designer and consultant on direct mail/direct marketing/e-marketing and the author of six books on marketing and business as well as four novels. In 1984 founded and edited the newsletter and archive service WHO'S MAILING WHAT! His archive contained information on more than 200,000 direct mailings. His system revolutionized how direct mail (the most secretive advertising and marketing medium) could be measured in terms of success and failure. In 2018 Denny founded and now edits Denny Hatch's Marketing Blog ( He can be reached at 215-644-9526.
Ken Braly & Rebecca Morgan -- SpeakerNet News
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About: SpeakerNet News is a global resource for speakers, trainers, consultants, coaches and authors. SNN produces a weekly ezine of best-practice tips from its worldwide subscribers, as well as bi-weekly teleseminars and webinars interviewing industry experts. Additionally, SNN produces eBooks on key topics, like how to be a great emcee and travel tips from road warriors. Ken Braly and Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC have been Co-Publishing it since 1996. It has become known as a key voice in the industry as it has many more subscribers than any other entity with its focus.
How to Beat a Bully
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About: Anderson described this new release and why it is so important: 'How to Beat a Bully' is a 'Home Alone' type comedy with an anti-bullying theme. So many stories of bullying are distressing, upsetting or sad, we wanted to create a story that is fun and entertaining, and in a positive way share the message to help stop bullying. -- Fay Shapiro
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About: is a B2B digital publisher, professional development and event production firm serving corporate communications professionals, including the advertising, investor relations, marketing, public relations and social media sectors.
The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News
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About: With Local Georgetown News, now in its 63rd year of publication, The Georgetowner is a bi-weekly tabloid-size newspaper whose ;Influence far exceeds its size, since 1954.' Its reach is the affluent community in Georgetown and surrounding areas of metropolitan DC. The Georgetowner is a free bi-weekly tabloid-style newspaper which reaches a very unique market and has become a 'must-read' in the DC area. Our publication specializes in the Georgetown lifestyle, focusing on the arts, real estate, education, dining, health, beauty, fashion, society and our popular In Country section featuring Virginia’s horse country. With a circulation of 40,000, The Georgetowner is mailed to all Georgetown residents and businesses. The Georgetowner distribution covers all upscale neighborhoods of metropolitan D.C. and includes parts of Maryland and Northern Virginia.
Washington Magic Latest News
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About: David Morey and Savino Recine showcase some of the world’s greatest magicians such as Jeff McBride, Eric Henning, Rick Maue, John McLaughlin, and many others. Join us at a legendary venue to bring to life impossible mind reading, mystery, comedy, and magic right in front of your eyes. Honoring a Victorian tradition of stage and parlor, guests participate and see, feel, and themselves empower this special evening.
The Searchjacking Institute
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About: SearchJacking is best described by Mark Scheafer at; He defines it as: 'When a topic gets hot, the Internet Bad People quickly catch on and capitalize by finding ways to catch the wave with their own spammy offerings. It could have been worse — there were so many posts about the subject that it is pretty saturated with legitimate content but you can see how not protecting yourself as your business grows can provide vulnerabilities to your brand.' See his blog post at:
Holland Cooke -- Talk Radio Expert
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About: ATTENTION IS CURRENCY, and competition for attention has never been tougher. Does your message cut-through the clutter? Or do you simply blend-into the blah-blah-blah? Media consultant Holland C...
FeaturesUSA & Associates -- A Public Relations Firm for PR Pros & Interns
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About: Features USA offers five publicity services: 1) ExpertClick memberships with free news releases -- 10-day Free Trial 2) interviews from Michael Butler -- Guaranteed show placement and Sound Cloud audio for your website. He will write the questions with you. 3) Book Publicity from Scott Lorenz -- 4) Press Release writing and sending from Dan Janal -- 5) Syndicated Editorial placement with guaranteed 2,400 placements from -- they will write a news story about you, and place it on thousands of websites. Contact at at: (202) 333-5000 for a custom package – you can save big when you use at least two of the services.

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
icon_text icon_movie
Michael Levine -- America's Leading Media Expert
William S. Bike -- Historical Commentator
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
William S. Bike -- Historical Commentator
William S. Bike -- Historical Commentator
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of
Michael Levine -- America's Leading Media Expert
Michael Levine -- America's Leading Media Expert
Michael Levine -- America's Leading Media Expert

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Alluring Alara Opens in Former Paolo’s The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News
‘GUAC’ at Woolly Mammoth Uses Art to Advocate for Gun Reform  The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News
A Harvard Art Historian at Politics and Prose The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News
Weekend Roundup: Feb. 6-9 The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News
Kitty Kelley Book Club: ‘Memorial Days: A Memoir’ The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News
#206 Book Covers Denny Hatch -- Direct Mail Expert
67th Grammy Awards a Welcome Distraction The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News
A Local Four-Legged Hero Saves the Day The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News
Widespread Accessibility Barriers Still Exist for Veterans, People with Disabilities Rick Smith -- News USA
Where to Honor Black History Month in D.C. The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News

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