About: Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it's their first book or their 15th book. He's handled publicity for books by CEOs, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC Nightly News, The New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS and many more.
About: Looking to combine profitability with making the world better? Green/social change profitability/marketing consultant, copywriter, and international speaker Shel Horowitz of GoingBeyondSustainability.com can help: licensing content, providing informational programs and materials, even walking you through specific steps to create profitable products and services that affordably and ethically address issues like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. Offering resources to excite and activate environmentally and socially conscious consumers AND practitioners, Shel is the award-winning primary author of Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, and eight other books including Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World.
About: As a historical commentator, William S. Bike, senior vice president of public relations, communications consulting firm Central Park Communications, uses his encyclopedic knowledge of history to add an unusual depth to discussions of current events. Bike has made frequent radio and television appearances and literally wrote the book on campaigning: Winning Political Campaigns, a how-to handbook on running for office. Reviews of Political Books (http://www.ficoa.biz/reviews_of_political_books.htm) said, 'from a practical political standpoint, it is the best book out--yet.'
About: Frank is a presentation coach for technical professionals. He is a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association. He has developed and honed his extensive public speaking abilities over his 40-year career, both in military service, as a contractor, and business owner. Because of his outstanding work in the field of public speaking and leadership, in 2002, Frank was awarded Toastmasters International’s highest individual award - Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). He formed DiBartolomeo Consulting International (DCI), LLC in 2007. The mission of DCI is to help technical professionals to inspire, motivate, and influence their colleagues and other technical professionals through improving their presentation skills, communication, and personal presence. Frank DiBartolomeo is also a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. His expertise as an engineer and technical leader in the military and industry led to a variety of leadership assignments
About: Charlotte Howard Collins is a globally recognized business growth strategist, bestselling author, and media expert who empowers women to build wealth, amplify their brand, and scale their businesses to 7 figures and beyond. As the founder of Wealthy Women Entrepreneurs Network, she specializes in publishing, coaching, and consulting to help women launch, fund, and grow profitable ventures. Be Unstoppable—transform your business and legacy today!
About: After the 9/11 attacks in New York City and my home base of Washington, DC, society focused on 'Ground Zero.' I felt they were missing the point: The world as we knew it was forever changed, not destroyed. Each ONE of us was being called to step up to refashion this new world. That's why I created Ground One LLC: to connect, coach, and collaborate with people all over the world--to build a better world. I'm a journalist, speaker, intuitive coach, book coach, and humanitarian. I'm also the author of the award-winning multicultural novel THE SHORES OF MY SOULS. Together, let's create a little more peace.
About: Ina is a nationally known speaker/trainer, bestselling author and publisher, writing coach and editor. Author of 'Pawprints,' IRWIN award winner 'You Are Who You Eat,' illustrated by Dedini, and the original guide, 'How To Write Your Memoirs,' (Toolbox Edition coming), she specializes in memoir, fiction and humor. She, her articles and books, and clients, appear on TV, radio, print and online media. Latest project: 'From The Potato to Star Trek and Beyond: Memoirs of a Rocket Scientist' by Chester L. Richards (Book 2 June 2025 release), BookFest Award Winner. * http://InaTheMemoirCoach.com * http://InasPawprints.com * http://tinyurl.com/INA-AUTHOR
About: About Christopher Gilbert, PhD: Dr. Christopher Gilbert is a senior international ethics consultant and popular keynote speaker. As co-founder of NobleEdge Consulting, he has worked with Fortune 500, government, and non-profit organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, traveling the globe to spearhead sustainability, human capacity development, and business conduct programs. With over 25 years of award-winning teaching experience in colleges and universities on four continents, Chris has also pioneered nationally recognized professional development and ethics centers. As a motivational speaker and author, he is well known for his informative humor, authenticity, and personalized inspiration. He holds a PhD specializing in leadership ethics, a Master of Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Science in geology.
About: AuthorYOU® is a non-profit membership community of authors, writers and publishers and registered as a 501 (c)6 with the IRS. It's for you to if you want to learn about:…Saving thousands of dollars in mistakes that most authors make; Being able to identify publishing scams and publishing predators before the suck one dollar of your money; Writing a book, resurrecting a book, or just supporting a book; Creating a book that will find a following; Strategizing the steps to be successful; Developing a game-plan that has roots; Designing a book that is the right fit for your audience; Publishing a book that turns heads; Marketing moxie that creates results; Developing Social media strategies that are book and author friendly; Obtaining Publicity tactics that work; Crowdfunding for Authors and Books; Gizmos, gadgets and technology; and Achieving Amazing Results
About: Tapping into the hot topic of immigrants, author Roger Higgins's timely book Billy Gogan, American follows the life of an orphaned Irish child who immigrated to America in 1844. 'I chose this time period because it was really at the cusp of the modern era,' says author Roger Higgins. 'The biggest challenge was staying alive. It was putting food on the table, or in this case in Billy's mouth. It was having somewhere to live, some shelter.' This riveting historical fiction is told in the first person, which lends an immediacy to the story that will reverberate with readers.
About: Founded in 1948, the American Society of Journalists and Authors is the nation's professional organization of independent nonfiction writers. ASJA offers extensive benefits and services focusing on professional development, including regular confidential market information, meetings with editors and others in the field, an exclusive referral service, seminars and workshops, discount services and, above all, the opportunity for members to explore professional issues and concerns with their peers. Contact ASJA to reach the writers America reads.
About: The San Francisco Writers Conference, one of the finest writers' events in the country, helps writers become published authors and teaches them how to build successful writing careers. Presenters at the event include bestselling authors, literary agents, and respected editors from top publishing houses. With 100+ presenters to 350 attendees, there is optimum interaction with industry professionals in an information-packed weekend. Individual PRE/POST Classes, too! The SFWC is held over President?s Day weekend at the Mark Hopkins Hotel. A second event, the San Francisco Writing for Change Conference is held annually in the fall. SFWC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.
About: The Historic Traveler is a unique blog for history lovers that combines stunning photos and lively descriptions of historic locations around the world, coupled with recommendations for historic novels, mysteries, histories and biographies that illuminate what it would have been like to live there. Host Jackie Lapin shares her passion twice weekly with highlights from the more than 500 localities she has visited and photographed. Historic Traveler International is the membership alliance that goes deeper -- with a dozen resources for history lovers and historic readers offered nowhere else! Go to www.TheHistoricTraveler.com
About: Michael J. Herman is 'Mr. Motivation!'® So declares The Los Angeles Times. The Los Angeles Times said, 'He’s The Next Big Thing.' USA TODAY said, 'Michael J. Herman can motivate anyone to achieve anything.' And, CBS declared, 'Herman is America’s Greatest Motivational Force.' But more than just a motivational speaker, Michael J. Herman brings transformation to every audience. With an uncanny ability to connect in ways that manifest change and results, Herman occupies space in the pantheon of great influencers. 'If you can get to where people hurt and need to hear the right message, you can change everything for them' says the undeniable Master of Motivation™. Since 1997 Herman has penned the daily syndicated column The Motivational Minute!® having published more than 9,000 editions. In addition, Herman's prolific writing career has had his books published in more than 25 countries and translated into more than a dozen languages.
About: Marilyn Anderson is an author, speaker, and award-winning film and television writer. Her new book, How to Live Like a MILLIONAIRE When You're a MILLION Short, features all kinds of money-saving tips on living the luxury life for less. Although not a millionaire (yet), Marilyn has lived like one for over 20 years, and is now sharing her secrets and advice about discounts, deals, and steals on entertainment & travel, shopping & fashion, health & beauty & more.
About: In the 90s, Robin Quinn began writing press releases for book editing clients, as a way to provide them with a valuable and handy promotional tool. Today she writes all the pieces that can go in an author’s media kit, from press releases, to author bios, to book summaries, to suggested media questions, to suggested media segments, to backgrounders on book topics. In December 2020, Robin received the prestigious IRWIN Award, Best Media Kit, for the press package she wrote on the sci-fi 30th Century Trilogy by author Mark Kingston Levin, PhD. In addition to PR copywriting, Robin also writes website copy for authors. She is a Book Coach and Book Editor operating out of Los Angeles, with such recent projects as 'How to Play the Best Game of Your Life' by Dr. John J. Carroll and 'Re-Inventing Me,' a one-person play based on books by Esther Pearlman.
About: Robin Jay is an award-winning author and filmmaker, motivational speaker, and life coach. Her vision to inspire others is evident as she continues to empower global audiences with her work.
Her latest book is SUNNY'S SECRETS, a psychological thriller.
From her first book, "The Art of the Business Lunch, Building Relationships Between 12 and 2" (Career Press) to a memoir she coauthored with reality TV star Tana Goertz, she follows her passion for sharing great stories.
Robin is a Business Relationship Expert who dramatically impacts audiences with her expertise and tips for building profitable business relationships. Even as Writer/Producer of three award-winning inspirational films, known as "The Key Movies", Robin continues to find new ways to reach audiences with high-impact messages of inspiration and life lessons.
About: Potpourri Books offers readers an eclectic choice of reading treats. From novels and non-fiction to humor and children's books. We love the unique and special, because that's what our readers are, too!
The staff at Potpourri Books includes seasoned professionals who have worked in the publishing and entertainment industries for many years. We are committed to bringing projects to fruition with innovation and excellence.