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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Expert Click Radio -- Radio Interview Service
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About: ExpertClickRadio is from Broadcast Interview Source, Inc. of Washington D.C. We publish the Expert Referral website: - the site helps journalists, meeting planners and lawyers, respectively find Interview subjects, speakers for events, and expert witnesses. To be interviewed please contact us at: or call (202) 333-5000. ExpertClickRadio is produced by E.B. GO Vision Media.
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of
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About: Mitchell P. Davis won the Georgetown University Bunn Award for Excellence in Journalism and graduated from their business school. Started his PR business in 1984 with publication of the Talks Show Guest Directory. Served on the board of the National Association of Radio Talk Show Hosts. Now in it’s 37 annual edition the Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons has been requested by tens of thousands of journalists. See and download a free copy of the 37th Yearbook of Experts at -- his website: hosts all the expert profiles and hundreds of thousands of news releases. His resources are loved by the new media. --- The New York Times called it: 'Dial-an-Expert.' The Associated Press called it: 'An Encyclopedia of Sources,' and PRWEEK called it: 'a dating service of PR.' He also founded The News Council, to help non-profit groups use the power of his networking.
Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. Media Psychiatrist
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About: Internationally renowned, Dr. Carole Lieberman is the psychiatrist the world turns to for help coping with today's times. Hundreds of interviews include Oprah, Larry King, the Today Show, Good Morning America, O'Reilly Factor, ET, Court TV, the N.Y. Times & USA Today. She is the author of Coping With Terrorism: Dreams Interrupted, and Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them, and When to Leave Them. A multiple Emmy-award winner for her TV work, she is also the host of 'Dr. Carole's Couch', an Internet radio show on The news/entertainment industry relies upon Dr. Carole for her uncanny ability to jump in, deliver and excel in any position for which she is needed: TV/radio host, commentator or regular guest; author; trial analyst; reality show therapist; and much more. If it's breaking news... she's on it. Dr. Lieberman has a high-profile clinical and forensic practice, and is on the Clinical Faculty of UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute.
Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
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About: Joy S. Pedersen, CEO and Founder of Express Success LLC, is a Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denomination ordained Minister, and Doctor of Divinity. Archangel Michael appeared before her in 2004 and asked her to write his book, which he dictated, 'Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life,' and join him in a healing practice. Her practice serves individuals and businesses of all sizes to overcome their hidden challenges with money, relationships, career, business, health, and well-being. Her #1 bestseller, 'Clear Your Past and Change Your Future,' speaks of her work with Michael, clearing the cause of darkness and the karma negatively impacting humanity to open up Heaven on Earth on March 30, 2013. She now adds training to enlighten and lead people to the light, to help all soar.
National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation
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About: NTEF?s core purposes are to provide education and services to the growing segment of the population who are adversely affected by everyday chemicals and toxins in our environment, primarily neuro-toxicity. It has been proven that chemicals/radiation have a direct effect upon the brain whether during pregnancy, childhood or in adults. Chemicals such as pesticides, cleaning/disinfectant products, building materials, vaccine preservatives, perfumes, air fresheners, fragranced products, mold, along with EMF/RF smart meters, 5g are most likely causing harm to your health and/or to the health of those around you. Our experts are available to assist in litigation or for personal consultations.
Jared Knott
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About: The history of world events, and our own lives, run on big events which are often the result of small events, sometimes even Tiny Blunders. Making a right turn instead of a left turn; attending a party or not; getting on a plane or not; making an important decision in anger or from logic? Tiny Blunders, Big Disasters: Thirty-Nine Tiny Mistakes That Changed the World Forever!, by Jared Knott, explores thousands of years of history to showcase, and explain in detail, how our world has often been formed by trivial occurrences which turned out to be watershed moments in history. Now an Amazon Bestselling book in several categories, these Tiny Blunders which caused Big Disasters also revolve around the personality and upbringing of the famous and infamous.
Valerie Geller -- Talk Radio Consultant
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About: Valerie Geller is an author and expert on talkradio, news radio, and broadcasting. With more than 30 years of experience in the field, Geller is President of Geller Media International, a full service broadcast consulting firm specializing in News, Talk, Information and personality broadcasting. She's the author of three books about radio including the latest from Focal Press - CREATING POWERFUL RADIO: GETTING, KEEPING & GROWING AUDIENCES. A noted workshop and seminar leader, Geller trains and works with on air personalities, talk radio hosts and news journalists in more than 27 countries throughout the world.
TALKERS Magazine --- Talk Radio Magazine
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About: TALKERS magazine is the leading trade publication serving the talk media industries in America. The term 'talk media:' includes broadcast talk radio and television, cable news/talk television, as well as the new talk media delivered via the Internet, podcasting and satellite radio.
Jackie Lapin -- Conscious Media Relations
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About: The Historic Traveler is a unique blog for history lovers that combines stunning photos and lively descriptions of historic locations around the world, coupled with recommendations for historic novels, mysteries, histories and biographies that illuminate what it would have been like to live there. Host Jackie Lapin shares her passion twice weekly with highlights from the more than 500 localities she has visited and photographed. Historic Traveler International is the membership alliance that goes deeper -- with a dozen resources for history lovers and historic readers offered nowhere else! Go to
Johnny Blue Star
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About: Johnny Blue Star is the CEO and Founder of New Galaxy Enterprises. It has several divisions that can be found on the navigation bar of Business - the business content development division of New Galaxy Enterprises, Inc. New Galaxy Business offers clients professional business services to build websites, social network profiles, press releases, blogs and articles etc. It also offers creative media assistance with non-fiction books, novels, screenplays, television pilots, etc. Johnny's work encompasses client-based, collaborative and proprietary projects. Thes broadcasting site (, encompassszholistic health, spirituality, transformation various podcasts, encompassing business development, holistic health; manifestation and spirituality and other topics central to developing a lifestyle and perspective suitable to today's challenges.
Holland Cooke -- Talk Radio Expert
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About: ATTENTION IS CURRENCY, and competition for attention has never been tougher. Does your message cut-through the clutter? Or do you simply blend-into the blah-blah-blah? Media consultant Holland C...

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of
National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation
National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation
National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
5th Anniversary as World Mother Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
DRONES: ET or 9/11 2.0? Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. Media Psychiatrist
Jesus On The Second Coming Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
God in Gratitude Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
Lucifer Explains His Role Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
Lord Armageddon Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
The Galactic Intervention: Lord Ashtar’s Call to Humanity for Change, Awakening, and Peace Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
War Room Former Ukraine Military Leader Warns That “World War 3 Has Begun” Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. Media Psychiatrist
Alex Jones Trump Holding Secret Global Peace Summit With The Head Of NATO In Mar-a-Lago Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. Media Psychiatrist
American Journal Ex-Ukraine Military Head Says ‘WWIII Has Begun’ Just Hours After Alex Jones Made Same Announcement Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. Media Psychiatrist

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