Wednesday, March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022
I am in a strange situation, floating around the Cryptonic Galaxy, on a mission for the Interstellar Alliance, an organization from a past century that apparently sent me into the future in order to investigate the CryptoSphere in the 22nd Century. Why? Because cryptocurrency, this strange way of dealing with transactions disappeared from the historical record? From what I gather, a lot of other things disappeared including most of civilization.
As for me, I woke up without a memory. Yep, except for knowing how to run a giant Starship- and handle communications about a subject I only heard of when I arrived here, I am a total amnesiac. I don’t even know my name because my alleged superiors in the Interstellar Alliance think they’re flattering me by calling me Commander all the time.
As many don’t realize- who have not been following this blog. I am the Commander of the Starship Omega, assigned to investigate the activities of the CryptoSphere on Planet Earth in the 21st Century. How I got here or even who I am, I hardly remember at all. Further, it is strange but I entirely control the operations of a giant Starship- whereas something tells me I can barely iron a shirt.
I have been put here and am expected to make regular reports to the Interstellar Alliance headquarters that is supposed to be located on Mars, possibly hundreds of light years away and somewhat after the 22nd century.. But wherever I am, I am far more in the distant future than the Alliance. And the reason, the Alliance squandered their last few Doge coins, to get me here by Faster Than Light travel- was they also were vitally concerned about what they didn’t knew of the past. The members of the Alliance apparently woke up to an Earth century like myself, many years later than the events they are so interested in- and a great deal of their history was gone. However, there were only some intriguing tidbits about cryptocurrency, which seemed to them to suggest something important about their vanished past. They sent me out to what I know call the Cryptonic Galaxy into God knows what century in the future because signals from Earth could capture what happened centuries before on Earth. Strange karma for an almost total amnesiac sent here by a pack of seeemingly almost total amnesiacs.
Recent events seem to point to a horrendous war going on. I don’t remember anything about the phenomenon. But I see countless men, women and children living among absolutely demolished buildings, often with dead bodies lying on the street. Horrible images. Who could do such a thing and wny? Apparently, Russia invaded the Ukraine. Naturally, there are many sides to this story. I am going to present two of them here.
Here’s a Russian diplomat defending the Russian position. The reporter speaking to him doesn’t seem to believe him much.
Here is Russel Brand, a comedian by trade, who is absolutely deadly serious who challenges the mainstream narrative
So here’s a war where no one believes each other. And people believe that even photographs and videos are doctors.
I don’t know what cryptocurrency has to do with anything- but I have noticed just about one week before the war, President Putin of Russia legalized cryptocurrency and within a short amount of time, Russia was hit by tremendous economic sanctions by the West. But a bit later, as the war progressed, Saint Elon (almost all my transmissions call him that, challenged Putin to a dual).
Unfortunately, I get only scattered transmissions here and there. And I can barely tell what is true and what isn’t. But I understand that Putin was concerned that Ukraine joining something called NATO might allow this country to put nuclear weapons on their border and then Ukraine could wipe out Russia with nuclear weapons in a matter of minutes- without any chance of retaliating.
Now, apparently Elon Musk has had a vast interest in cryptocurrency and some people say that he actually was trying to control the entire crypto system by something called “tweets.” Was he mad at Putin for getting involved in his personal currency? As I understand it, this whole startship was paid for by Doge coins before human civilization fell into darkness.
Maybe this fight actually took place. And maybe the loser couldn’t stand it and there was some kind of a nuclear war. Maybe it was a control issue.
Speaking of nuclear war, there must be something clearly demented in the idea of various countries spending trillions of dollars to prevent being hit with a first strike, which despite every caution, could result in wiping out the planet. I don’t remember any kind of educational experience- but from what I understand, any third grader in any country would think the idea of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) was retarded.
Back then, Crypto was apparently under scrutiny by the government. Just with my limited understanding at what was occurring, I did piece together my views- as if I were actually living on Earth in that time and place.
The fact is, just using common sense, I think hiding was a very bad idea. But how much did we need to know- that can tangibly effect uhumanity on a greater scale? Personally, I think that all of us have choices to make. How much information can we absorb? How much should we?
According to Andrei Jikh, a very clear and articulate commentator- during this time, the Security and Exchange Commission had been bearing down on a company called BlockFi, compelling them to pay something like $100 million in a settlement with the SEC and various states in the U.S. over its interest accounts. That sounds like a lot. I remember a Star Trek episode I happened to find where it was said there was no money used in the Federation. How was that possible? It’s possible for me because everything I need is here and there are no people around to trade with.
Anyway, this BlockFi company ran into trouble because they were supposedly running a non-registered security company and paying out interest on people’s investments. They also threatened Celcius, Gemini and Coinbase, other exchanges.. Coinbase, as a result, cancelled their plans to provide interest to their investors. As is explained in the following video, BlockFi announced it was making substantial changes in their current protocol, resulting in depriving future United States investors of a chance to gain interest on their investments. If you have BlockFi, you need to pay careful attention to this video. In the future, these changes could be amended if a new BlockFi proposal has been accepted.
Wny is this happening? Because the amount of interest, Crypto companies can bring to the table, as much as 10% per year, considerably dwarfs the fiat money interest rate of something like .06%. APY. Obviously, if one understood how this worked and wanted to make interest and believed in Crypto companies, why would anyone not try this? Probably because they don’t know or are skeptical. Anyway, the fact is these Crypto companies are not regulated and there isn’t much proof that they can withstand some of the volatility of Crypto and other factors to be able to come through on their promise of interest.
There is a lot here in this video- in a concise and clear way. Check it out to find out more.
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