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Press Releases
Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Rick Smith -- News USA
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About: Your Premier Source For News Content & Copyright Free Media Placements. NewsUSA has created and placed over 15,000 editorially sound newspaper, radio and online features that educate and inform consumers about finance, health, safety and travel as well as home and holiday topics. The Public Relations (PR) advertising specialists of News USA have accounted for media placements and social syndication of copyright free articles in excess of 3.2 million. Associations, government agencies, foundations and consumer product and service companies look to NewsUSA's editorial expertise and our expansive network of newspapers, web sites and radio stations to efficiently and effectively deliver
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
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About: Jan Du Plain is the CEO and President of Du Plain Global Enterprises, a global public relations and special events company that specializes in representing diplomatic and international organizations. For years, Jan has been immersed in DC’s diplomatic community developing rich and substantial experience developing networks within embassies and other international associations and institutions in DC. Jan has played a lead role in developing numerous events that have featured heads of state, ambassadors, experts, and other influential participants as well as significant and wide-ranging programs including Passport DC Around the World Embassy Tour and World Trade Center/DC’s Embassy Showcase: Winternational.
Robin Quinn -- Public Relations Writer
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About: In the 90s, Robin Quinn began writing press releases for book editing clients, as a way to provide them with a valuable and handy promotional tool. Today she writes all the pieces that can go in an author’s media kit, from press releases, to author bios, to book summaries, to suggested media questions, to suggested media segments, to backgrounders on book topics. In December 2020, Robin received the prestigious IRWIN Award, Best Media Kit, for the press package she wrote on the sci-fi 30th Century Trilogy by author Mark Kingston Levin, PhD. In addition to PR copywriting, Robin also writes website copy for authors. She is a Book Coach and Book Editor operating out of Los Angeles, with such recent projects as 'How to Play the Best Game of Your Life' by Dr. John J. Carroll and 'Re-Inventing Me,' a one-person play based on books by Esther Pearlman.
FeaturesUSA & Associates -- A Public Relations Firm for PR Pros & Interns
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About: Features USA offers five publicity services: 1) ExpertClick memberships with free news releases -- 10-day Free Trial 2) interviews from Michael Butler -- Guaranteed show placement and Sound Cloud audio for your website. He will write the questions with you. 3) Book Publicity from Scott Lorenz -- 4) Press Release writing and sending from Dan Janal -- 5) Syndicated Editorial placement with guaranteed 2,400 placements from -- they will write a news story about you, and place it on thousands of websites. Contact at at: (202) 333-5000 for a custom package – you can save big when you use at least two of the services.

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
Robin Quinn -- Public Relations Writer
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises
Jan Du Plain - Du Plain Global Enterprises

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