About: James D. Feldman, CSP, PCS, CPT, CITE, is the creator of Shift Happens! James D. Feldman, is a customer service expert who has spent over 30 years helping businesses create exceptional customer experiences. James is a renowned speaker, author, and consultant passionate about delivering practical strategies companies can use to win customers and keep them for life. With his engaging speaking style and wealth of experience, James can help your business take its customer service to the next level. He is the author of 13 books, delivered over 1,000 presentations and has written dozens of articles ranging from romance scams to innovative problem-solving to enriching the employee and customer experience. He has worked with various industries, including automotive, HBA, fast food, tourism, retail, hospitality, and healthcare.
About: Our principal has been advisor to Presidents Bush (41&43), Clinton, Yeltsin, and Trump, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Investors, and Board of Directors on turnaround management, asset recovery, and equity capital investing techniques. A leading turnaround management firm specializing in outside director leadership, corporate renewal governance, asset & investment recovery, litigation support, M&A, equity investing in underperforming distressed troubled companies, building troubled companies. We serve as CEO, Outside Independent Director, advisor to private equity investment funds, start-up, and middle market companies representing the private equity, investment, manufacturing, defense, electronics, engineering services, computer, telecommunications, high tech, printing, job shop, real estate development, government contracting transition, and marine industries. John is a Certified Turnaround Professional (CTP), Certified International Turnaround Manager (CITM), and is enshrined into Turnaround Management, Restructuring, Distressed Investing Industry Hall of Fame, received Lifetime Achievement Awards, Consultant of the Year, among other awards.
About: This best-selling author is your internationally-recognized expert on heart disease, wellness, workplace productivity, stress, life balance, and women's business success. As founder of the American Foundation for Women's Health, she saves lives by sharing her near-death experiences with heart disease and stroke and launched www.StopAfib.org to advocate for patients with atrial fibrillation, a life-threatening irregular heartbeat. Her successful track record as transformation agent includes being a high-tech executive and an Internet pioneer (Dell, Cisco, JCPenney).
About: Dorian (aka Dori) Mintzer, M.S.W., Ph.D.,BCC, is a Licensed Psychologist, Board Certified Coach and Retirement Expert. She provides Speaking, Workshop Facilitation, Psychotherapy, Career, Life and Retirement Transition Coaching, Couples Relationship Coaching and Executive Coaching. She is a member of the National Speakers Association and the Life Planning Network. She is a sought after speaker and workshop facilitator. She's been featured on The Today Show, ABC Evening News and NPR as well as in a variety of media such as the WSJ, NYTimes, USAToday, Washington Post, Forbes.com and the Fiscal Times. She facilitates workshops and speaks to community and professional groups on topics such as the changing landscape of retirement, mid-life issues for individuals and couples, psychology of money, spirituality, and positive psychology/positive aging. She is co-author of The Couple's Retirement Puzzle: 10 Must-Have Conversations for Creating an Amazing New Life Together and a contributor to a number of additional books.
About: After the 9/11 attacks in New York City and my home base of Washington, DC, society focused on 'Ground Zero.' I felt they were missing the point: The world as we knew it was forever changed, not destroyed. Each ONE of us was being called to step up to refashion this new world. That's why I created Ground One LLC: to connect, coach, and collaborate with people all over the world--to build a better world. I'm a journalist, speaker, intuitive coach, book coach, and humanitarian. I'm also the author of the award-winning multicultural novel THE SHORES OF MY SOULS. Together, let's create a little more peace.
About: About Bob Boylan: Bob Boylan is a presentation skills trainer and professional landscape photographer with a zest for life. He has been self-employed since the age of thirty-one. He founded Successful Presentations and travels across the country delivering 'training that takes' to middle to senior management. His goal is to help people change their paradigms and open their minds to a better way...
About: Thinking about Graduate Study? You've come to the right place! Road Map is first book on the entire Graduate School experience. From doing research to find the right program, to navigating the application process, to succeeding once enrolled, it's all here in this succinct yet comprehensive resource. Dr. Don Martin, author of Road Map, is a graduate enrollment expert. He spent 28 years as Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, and Dean of Students at Columbia University, The University of Chicago and Northwestern University. Follow Dr. Don's weekly blog on US News and World Report Magazine and on the GRE Facebook page.
About: NABOE provides educational opportunities with featured presentations of key importance to business owners. NABOE events target audiences of senior executives of privately held companies, a target business demographic that represents over 50% of our country's GNP and is a major force in innovation and job creation. We have a global outlook in our presentations and we tap the business, political and scientific research world-wide that can help your business run more efficiently and profitably. And, we do it with style!