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Trade Show Council name adopted by old Exhibitor Rights Council.
Exhibitor Rights Council -- formerly Trade Show Council Exhibitor Rights Council -- formerly Trade Show Council
Washington, DC
Sunday, July 1, 2018


Council welecomes all participants in the business.

The mission of the Trade Show Council is to foster communication among all participant in the trade show business for the greater success of the business.  A code of best practices is being worked to be called the "Trade Show Code" – a code of best practices that the Trade Show Council suggests for all participants.

The Trade Show Council started out as the Exhibitor Rights Council made up a small group of exhibitors who over their decades of exhibiting faced lots of inconveniences – that where the original 26 inconveniences manifesto came from.

Later this core group of exhibitors realized they were not alone if having grievances and reached to recognize others involved and asked them to share their options too.

The "Council" is based on these types of participants:

  1. Exhibitors – Those with physical presence at a show.
  2. Sponsors – Those who buy advertising and promotion related to a show.
  3. Contractors – Those who provides services.
  4. Vendors who sell – Those who sell booth or other equipment to exhibitors
  5. Vendors who rent – Those who rent equipment to exhibitors'.
  6. Attendees – Those who attend tradeshows.
  7. Information providers – the speakers and presenters who keynote and lead sessions – this includes authors.
  8. Show managers – Like Reed Events that runs book expo.
  9. Venue owners -- McCormick Place is run by the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority.
  10. Consultants in the industry 


The Trade Show Council was created by Mitchell P. Davis after 20 years of exhibiting for his Expert Referral business www.ExpertClick.com.

Our goal to help both exhibtors and show managers grow their business with mutual respect and standardization of the tems of practice -- we are working a document to be called The Trade Show Code.

Mitchell P. Davis, President,Broadcast Interview Source, Inc. 2500 Wisconsin Ave.,NW  Washington, DC 20007

Phone:  (202) 333-5000

Email:  Mitchell.Davis@ExpertClick.com

The Trade Show Council is not associated with: 1) Printing Association of Florida Trade Show Council, 2) NYC & Co’s Trade Show Council, 3) ABM's Trade Show Council, 4) the GOA Trade Show Council, or 5) Meetings, Incentives and Trade Show Council.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell Davis
Group: Trade Show Council
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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