Home > NewsRelease > The One Safe Prediction: 10 Guesses About Publishing in 5 Years
The One Safe Prediction: 10 Guesses About Publishing in 5 Years
San Francisco Writers Conference San Francisco Writers Conference
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: San Francisco, CA
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

In five years, content will still be king, but writers will be CEOs of multimedia, multinational businesses.
The San Francisco Writers Conference and the San Francisco Writing for Change conference are both produced by the San Francisco Writers Conference, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Co-directors are Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada. Contact them at 415-673-0939 or sfwriterscon@aol.com. For registration help, contact Richard Santos at registrations@sfwriters.org. For Sponsorship, scholarship opportunities, contact Barbara Santos at Barbara@sfwriters.org. Offices are located at 1029 Jones St., San Francisco, California, 94109.  www.SFWriters.org
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Elisabeth Kauffman
Title: Director of Marketing
Group: San Francisco Writers Conference
Dateline: Oakley, CA United States
Direct Phone: 13103676215
Cell Phone: 13103676215
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