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Stop Polarized Thinking
Jack Beauregard --  The Wisdom Company Jack Beauregard -- The Wisdom Company
Cambridge, MA
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Stop Polarized Thinking

Jack Beauregard, an expert in how to counterbalance polarized thinking, is available to provide answers to the following questions:

  1.  How can people go beyond polarized thinking?
  2.  How can they break free from extremism?
  3.  How can the mental framework for incivility be transformed?
  4.  How can people stop treating people with whom they disagree with contempt and disgust? 
  5.  How can we as a country rise above political polarization?
  6.  How can people go beyond identifying with tribal subgroups?
  7.  How can people disagree without disrespecting each other?
  8.  How can we talk to the "enemy?"
  9.  How can people can break out of their ideological "echo-chambers?"
  10.  How can we help to reunite this country?


Jack is the founder of the Wisdom Company, an international organization whose mission is to make wisdom operational in people's lives and to be a touchstone for solving our national and global problems. The Company provides an integrated platform for academic researchers to work with successful business professionals and others to practically apply wisdom to create civility and harmonious consensus between people with diametrically opposing political views


Click to receive the Overview of the Thought Process of Polarized Thinking White Paper



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jack Beauregard
Title: Founder, CEO
Group: The Wisdom Company
Dateline: Cambridge, MA United States
Direct Phone: 617.299.7363
Cell Phone: 617.267.9727
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