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From Singer to Writer with Louisa Morgan
San Francisco Writers Conference San Francisco Writers Conference
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: San Francisco, CA
Friday, February 5, 2021


Subjects covered

Author Louisa Morgan talked about how she was influenced as a young woman by the feminist social science fiction writing of Sheri Tepper.

Louisa enjoys writing in multiple genres, including historical fiction, fantasy, and science fiction.

Louisa talked about how, as a former music teacher, opera singer, and college music professor, her experience with music informs her writing, drawing parallels between novels and symphonies.

Similarly, because as a singer she was already used to the discipline of living an artistic life, the transition to being a writer wasn’t much of a shock.

Regarding the writing life, Louisa noted that a life in the arts requires structure; otherwise the work does not get done.

Likewise, Louisa explained that she is not a fan of waiting for inspiration; instead, she believes in sitting down and expecting inspiration to come.

Regarding the downside of the writing life, Louisa described the challenges of recovering from a traditionally published book that suffers low sales—and the joy of finding success again.

Louisa emphasized the need to “do the work,” as well as loving it.


Podcast editing and episode notes by author and podcast producer and host Matthew Félix (matthewfelix.com).

The San Francisco Writers Conference and the San Francisco Writing for Change conference are both produced by the San Francisco Writers Conference & San Francisco Writers Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. The SFWC Director is Laurie McLean.  For registration help, contact Richard Santos at registrations@sfwriters.org. For SFWC sponsorship opportunities, contact Carla King at Carla@carlaking.com
The SFWC website is: www.SFWriters.org

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Elisabeth Kauffman
Title: Director of Marketing
Group: San Francisco Writers Conference
Dateline: Oakley, CA United States
Direct Phone: 13103676215
Cell Phone: 13103676215
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