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Developing Self-Discipline: The Key to Getting to Where You Want to Go & Grow
Jeffrey Gitomer  ---- Sales Expert Jeffrey Gitomer ---- Sales Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Charlotte, NC
Tuesday, January 11, 2022


January is the time to reinforce your self-discipline. If you don’t have that present, you won’t go far this year. Everything is about discipline!

At the end of the day, you need to be able to do things for yourself first and your family second. If you don’t have the discipline needed, you might not have it in you to be successful.

There has to be a “why” and motivation between the discipline. Discipline comes from motivation or intention first.

If you don’t intend to do something, it won’t get done. Self-discipline, though, is what will get you to the next level.

Ask yourself these questions about your motivation:

  • What is your motivation for wanting this thing?
  • What’s your purpose behind what you want to incorporate into your life or business life?
  • What’s the discipline you need to create in order to achieve the goals you’re after?

It’s also important to use visualization in your journey towards achieving your goals. Imagine the outcomes you are seeking. Visualize that you have achieved them.

You have to see yourself at the other end of the tunnel, walking into the sunlight in order to get to where you’re going.

Write down what you’re willing to do. Write down the sacrifices you’re willing to make and where you’re willing to go and grow. Self-discipline leads to where you want to go and grow. It’s as simple as that!

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Name: Jeffrey Gitomer
Group: Buy Gitomer
Dateline: Charlotte, NC United States
Direct Phone: 704-333-1112
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