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An Introduction to Beta Books
San Francisco Writers Conference San Francisco Writers Conference
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: San Francisco, CA
Friday, September 4, 2020


Interview by Carla King with Pam Burleson from Beta Books.

Subjects covered

Beta readers are readers who provide feedback on a work in progress.

Beta Books co-founder Pam Burleson discussed the advantages of having beta readers and how Beta Books helps connect writers with them.

Pam also explained why beta readers can be helpful, a primary reason being because it enables an author to know whether or not their book is a good fit and works for their intended audience.

Using a platform such as Beta Books can also help authors with platform building, i.e., developing relationships with readers.

Pam noted that using beta readers can be helpful for traditionally published and indie authors alike.

Podcast editing and episode notes by author and podcast producer and host Matthew FĂ©lix (matthewfelix.com).

The San Francisco Writers Conference and the San Francisco Writing for Change conference are both produced by the San Francisco Writers Conference & San Francisco Writers Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. The SFWC Director is Laurie McLean.  For registration help, contact Richard Santos at registrations@sfwriters.org. For SFWC sponsorship opportunities, contact Carla King at Carla@carlaking.com
The SFWC website is: www.SFWriters.org

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Elisabeth Kauffman
Title: Director of Marketing
Group: San Francisco Writers Conference
Dateline: Oakley, CA United States
Direct Phone: 13103676215
Cell Phone: 13103676215
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