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Actress Kirsten Storms and Endometriosis
Dave E. David, M.D.  --- Doctor Spokesperson Dave E. David, M.D. --- Doctor Spokesperson
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

 Dave E. David, M.D., nationally recognized Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Cosmetic Surgeon will heard on soapcentral.com, discussing actress Kirsten Storms' affliction with endometriosis and endometriosis in general.  The broadcast will be aired on the internet and on radio stations throughout the U.S., beginning 6 pm EDT on Friday, October 20th, 2011.

Dr. David, as previously seen on Fox News and CNN, is best known for his program The Real Secrets To  A Slimmer You....What You DON'T Know, as well as his skin care line, Aluring Skin.

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Name: Dave E. David, M.D.
Dateline: Boston, MA United States
Direct Phone: 508.505.6474
Main Phone: 508.505.6474
Cell Phone: 508.404.3669
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