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Will You Use Nine Proven Strategies for Building Your Small Business?
Elinor Stutz  --   Top One Percent Influencer and Sales Performance Guru Elinor Stutz -- Top One Percent Influencer and Sales Performance Guru
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington, DC
Saturday, March 18, 2023


Photo by Geralt via Pixabay

Attract the Right Job Or Clientele:

Will You Use Nine Proven Strategies for Building Your Small Business?

We each realize that being a small business owner requires much work and dedication to get our company off the ground. But once we reach a certain level of success, how can we make a more significant effort to rise to the next level? The ‘same old’ eventually proves to be old and wears out. Our collaborative blog post will discuss nine proven strategies for building your small business.


Nine Proven strategies For Building Your Small Business

1. Expand Your Network:

Building relationships with other small business owners is critical to success. Attend networking events, join online forums, and connect with industry experts to help you better understand the current market and trends in your sector.

2. Leverage Social Media:

Via Unsplash 

Developing a strong presence on social media can help you reach more potential customers and get your message out to the world. Use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to engage with people who may be interested in what you have to offer.

3. Invest in Employee Training:

Having well-trained employees is essential for any successful business. Investing in employee training can ensure your team has the skills to handle customer inquiries or issues effectively.

4. Utilize Data Analytics:

Data analytics can help you better understand customer behavior and preferences, which you can use to improve products or services. Invest in the right software and use data to inform your decisions and develop better marketing strategies.

5. Focus on Customer Service:

Providing excellent customer service is one of the best ways to retain customers. Train employees to handle complaints quickly and professionally, ensure they’re well-versed in product information and provide a pleasant overall experience that encourages people to return repeatedly.

6. Content Marketing:

Creating and distributing content relevant to your target audience can help you attract new customers. Develop a content strategy that includes blogging, email campaigns, webinars, and more to reach potential customers with helpful information.

7. Invest in Technology:

Having the right technology can help streamline processes and improve efficiency in the workplace. Investing in software solutions such as CRM systems or cloud computing will help you better manage customer data, automate everyday tasks, and save money.

8. Professional Advice:

Consider seeking out professional advice in the form of a consultant or mentor. Having someone who can provide guidance and insight into the current market trends and help you make informed decisions can be invaluable to your business’s success. Samantha Foss will improve your business’s efficiency with technology to take it to the next level.

9. Monitor the Competition:

Finally, staying current on what your competitors are doing is essential. Keeping an eye on the competition will help you identify areas where you can outshine them and gain customers.

In Conclusion: Nine Proven Strategies for Building Your Small Business

You can take your small business to the next level by implementing these seven strategies. However, success won’t happen overnight. Focus on developing effective processes and ensuring customer satisfaction, and ultimately see your small business soar! 

For More Insights:   Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

‘Communicate to Attract Interest

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Seller and Evergreen: A Classic! https://amzn.to/39QiVZwHIRED! How To Use Sales Techniques To Sell Yourself On Interviews is a best seller. https://amzn.to/33LP2pv and helped many to secure the job they desiredVisit Elinor Stutz's Author Page on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Elinor-Stutz/e/B001JS1P8S

Authentic Relationships Are Essential

Be A Story-Teller

As the CEO of Smooth Sale, after her near-death experience, Stutz created the motto, 

 “Believe, Become, Empower

 ” Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Selling and Evergreen Book – among the classics;

HIRED! Helped many to secure the job they desired.

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Sales Tips: Nine Proven Strategies for Building Your Small Business

  1. Only some suggestions will work for you, but it serves us well to examine all the varying angles for an accurate decision.
  2. Upon realizing the better suggestions, only utilize one at a time to examine all aspects of each and ensure it works as it should.
  3. Continue monitoring each new step you take and verify all strategies are in harmony.
  4. Join a new networking organization complementary to your work to realize new ways of conducting business.
  5. Listen to ideas at conferences and those of people with whom you network.
  6. Be flexible in tweaking each new method and potentially dismissing an older one.
  7. Occasionally, consult with a business coach for additional ideas.
  8. When needed, take a class you believe will enhance your effort.
  9. On down days, look back to realize how far you have come to feel motivation increase for continuing.
  10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


Advisorpedia  Publishes information to help advisors build their practice, and those interested in the markets choose investments and find inspiration.

BizCatalyst360  Presents a life, culture, and biz new media digest as a hub of creative expression and personal growth.

CatCat Build your future one skill at a time.

ContactOut is a web-based platform that enables users to search for contact information and uncover contact details, including email addresses, phone numbers, and other personal data.

Greg Jenkins Consulting LLC  – Helping organizations realize the value of diversity to build inclusive, evolving, high-performing cultures.

Growth Hackers – Helping businesses globally grow with lead generation, growth marketing, conversion rate optimization, data analytics, user acquisition, retention, and sales.

Inclusion Allies Coalition   “Everyone is welcome here.” Learn more to train teams and join the advocacy program.

Internet Advisor Find the internet service right for you among 2083 internet providers across 36,380 cities; plus, Cellphonedeal compiles excellent deals on phones, plans, and prepaid to furnish you with the best options in your area.

Kred  Connect with top-rated influencers to learn from and grow your networks.

LinktoEXPERT  “It is not who you know – who knows you and what your expertise can do for them, plus understand the value of hiring you.” 

Lotus Solution LLC Helps organizations create diversity and inclusion to ensure fairness and work through customized consulting, training, and keynote speeches.

Onalytica Find relevant influencers for your brand.

SalesPop!   Purveyors of Prosperity; how to compete against yourself to excel in your career.

Simma Lieberman, “The Inclusionist,” helps develop inclusive leaders from the inside out to champion diversity and build equitable, inclusive cultures at every level.

Vunela  Provides a unique opportunity to view Videos and read articles by World Leaders.

WebTalk is the one-stop platform To build your marketplace and grow social connections. 

Win Win Women is the world’s only interactive network and an international community for women. Women WIN when they receive solutions + Experts WIN when they provide solutions = Win Win Women.


Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, delivers inspirational keynotes at conferences and authored: The International Best-Selling Book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results.” In addition to being translated into four languages, it reached the remarkable and unique level of being hailed Evergreen. Stutz’ commitment to community service led to the writing of her second best-selling book, HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.”

Kred proclaimed Stutz as a “Top 1% Influencer for Social Media,.  CEO World Magazine named Stutz as one of “The brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter”.  Bizzhum and NowISeeIt both named the Smooth Sale Blog as one of the “Top 100 Most Innovative Sales Bloggers.”  Stutz consults and speaks worldwide.

Connect with Stutz:

Twitter: @smoothsale  
LinkedIn: Elinor Stutz

Youtube:  Elinor Stutz

Elinor Stutz (she/her/hers)
International Bestselling Author, Top 1% Influencer, Inspirational Speaker
Smooth Sale 



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Elinor Stutz
Title: CEO, Speaker, Author
Group: Smooth Sale
Dateline: Ashburn, VA United States
Direct Phone: 408-209-0550
Main Phone: 408-209-0550
Cell Phone: 408-209-0550
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