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Together Strengthening Women Worldwide
Elinor Stutz  --   Top One Percent Influencer and Sales Performance Guru Elinor Stutz -- Top One Percent Influencer and Sales Performance Guru
Washington, DC
Wednesday, March 4, 2020



For more information contact:

Elinor Stutz                                    Paula Fellingham                    

Smooth Sale                                  Founder, The Women's Information Network

408.209.0550                                (801) 768-1720        

Elinor@SmoothSale.net                 Paula@womensinformationnetwork.com 

https://SmoothSale.net                 https://www.womensinformationnetwork.com                    


Together Strengthening Women Worldwide

March 4, 2020 Metro Area, D.C. – Elinor Stutz is known for her pioneer spirit and knowledge as a thought leader. Elinor's mission is to inspire, teach and motivate you to embrace your most significant vision and transform innate talent into the leader you are destined to become. Her message is "Believe, Become, Empower." Her incredulous journey from overcoming a broken neck lead her to inspire and empower people worldwide. Standing ovations always follow her powerful presentations. 

BizHumm and NowISeeIt presented Elinor Stutz with the Title: Top Innovative Sales Blogger. Both blogging sites appointed the Smooth Sale Blog as among the most innovative. Topics include sales, business development, communication, leadership, and social media strategy. According to Stutz, Trust is the soul of sales and everything we do.

Stutz connected spoke at a WIN Conference in San Francisco years ago.  The mutual admiration between Stutz  and Fellingham lasted all the years.  Both hold the goal to encourage younger generations to never give up on their dreams. Fellingham admires the inspirational message Stutz delivers along with practical motivational tips to move forward. Stutz admires the good work Fellingham and her collaborators do abroad and at home.

Today, Stutz is proud to be featured on The WIN website as one of their thought leaders. https://www.womensinformationnetwork.com/experts-and-courses/ She will be helping to move the agenda forward of globally connecting women and achieving growth in their endeavors and equality across the board.  

The WIN is a Global Community of Women Helping Women Live Our Best Lives 

through Celebration, Self-Improvement, and Service.

From 2008 until now, the Women's Information Network:

* Collaborated with organizations and individuals worldwide to present 377 live events in 152 countries on the 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day on March 8, 2011.

* Offered hundreds of online audio shows on many topics before launching eTV for Women ~ weekly online video shows hosted by experts.

* Presented over 100 Global Women's Summits in countries worldwide.

* Offered a membership program of educational programs to strengthen and support women personally and in their businesses.

* Co-hosts annual International Women's Day events

Visit: www.InternationalWomensDay.org


Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, delivers inspirational keynotes at conferences and authored three books: The International Best-Selling book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, "The Wish: A 360 Degree Business Development Process to Fuel Sales", and community service led to the writing of her second best-selling book, HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.”

Kred proclaimed Stutz as a “Top 1% Influencer for Social Media,.  CEO World Magazine named Stutz as one of “The brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter”.  Bizzhum and NowISeeIt both named the Smooth Sale Blog as one of the “Top 100 Most Innovative Sales Bloggers.”  Stutz consults and speaks worldwide.

Connect with Stutz:

Twitter: @smoothsale  
Facebook: Elinor Stutz
LinkedIn: Elinor Stutz

Youtube:  Elinor Stutz


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Elinor Stutz
Title: CEO, Speaker, Author
Group: Smooth Sale
Dateline: Ashburn, VA United States
Direct Phone: 408-209-0550
Main Phone: 408-209-0550
Cell Phone: 408-209-0550
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