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Tips To Help You Manage a Remote Team Successfully
Elinor Stutz  --   Top One Percent Influencer and Sales Performance Guru Elinor Stutz -- Top One Percent Influencer and Sales Performance Guru
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington, DC
Friday, November 19, 2021


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Note:  Our collaborative Blog offers valuable insights via ‘Tips To Help You Manage A Remote Team Successfully.’

We are entering a work world of uncertainty in many regards, particularly how to bridge the gap between those working remotely and in the traditional office environment. Concern for ensuring all employees feel appreciated and included is coupled with management understanding how to best cross the divide.

It is best to address all of the tiny problems within a virtual workplace if you want to run a successful remote workforce. We can’t dispute it: more and more individuals are going to work remotely in the future. As a result, an increasing number of businesses and teams will experience the need to collaborate remotely.

While managing distant teams is similar to on-site employees in some aspects. However, there are significant differences of which to be aware.  To successfully set up a remote team, manage, and work with the team, the following tips will help you to begin.


Tips To Help You Manage A Remote Team Successfully

Carefully Select Your Employees

The hiring procedure is where it all begins. While this is vital in any profession, it is imperative in remote roles. The interview will almost always be conducted through video call, making it more difficult to assess the candidate.

Upwork or FlexJobs are suitable venues to look for remote workers or freelancers. You can find more internet job boards on this list.

While qualifications and experience are undoubtedly crucial, motivation is even more so. Any candidate who desires to work with you should have a strong desire to contribute to your success. 

Working in a remote location can be difficult, so finding someone you can trust is essential. Someone who isn’t just wasting time lounging about all day but wants to make a difference. Personality matters a lot in this situation, so bear that in mind.

It also helps if the person has prior remote work experience. This type of working style is not for everyone, and having someone on board who understands how to make it work makes it a lot easier.

Create An Onboarding Procedure

Once you’ve chosen the ideal new team member, ensure you offer the individual the best possible start. We all know how important first impressions are.

Whether you’re recruiting a remote employee or a freelancer, it’s essential that you properly integrate them into the team by making introductions to everyone with whom they will work.

Depending on the size of your firm, introductions may occur during a meeting or via all-inclusive email distribution. Allow the new team member to introduce themselves and say (or write) a few words about themselves.

Training is an essential element to increase their comfort level in the overall company environment sooner—provide training materials or process documents to assist them in getting started on their tasks.

Make The Company’s Values Known.

Every company’s onboarding procedure should include the company values. It is especially crucial for remote teams because it helps individuals understand what the firm is about and why they should do everything possible to support it.

Describe your mission and vision in depth. Assist your new team members in adjusting to the company’s culture and being motivated to succeed.

Create A Team Environment

It doesn’t imply you’re not a team due to your members being across the globe. Ensure that everyone knows that location does not matter nearly as much as including everyone as an equal team member.

If at all possible, perform team development exercises online or offline. Celebrate the accomplishments of the team and what makes them most proud. 

You may consider sending out an internal newsletter to educate your employees or freelancers about new team members, milestones, future events, or project ideas. 

Be open about team events and attempt to include everyone as much as possible. You may want to read more about how to set up Microsoft Teams Properly.  

Automate Workflows

Consider using chatbots, social media scheduling tools, or data processing systems to automate as many recurring or monotonous activities as possible.  

Automation has two benefits. First, it can eliminate some of the boredom at work. To keep your staff engaged, assign duties that positively impact them and make them feel like a valuable member of the team.

The second benefit of automation is that it helps to keep your staff lean. The more remote employees you have to stay happy and engaged, the more difficult it becomes.

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Agree Upon Working Hours

Freelancers, in particular, appreciate having the flexibility to work whenever they choose. And that’s fine! Use flexible working hours to your advantage. The work flexibility will energize most employees to perform their best.

Agreeing upon some timeframes can be beneficial for remote workers. For example, your developer in Spain works 8 hours every Monday and Wednesday between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. CET. While the timeframe isn’t explicit, it does allow for him to maintain his flexibility. And it serves as a guideline for you and your team to know when they can anticipate them to be accessible. 

You can also use a timeframe to figure out when someone is unavailable. Instead of asking individuals to work around the clock, setting no-work-hours will assist in protecting their private lives (and sleep!). It is especially critical if your staff is across multiple time zones.

Become A Team Player

Being a team player is vital for any team, but it is essential for a remote team. People can’t just walk into your office and ask whatever questions they have since you’re not next door. 

Regularly check in about the person’s well-being and assist as needed. Schedule one-on-one calls (maybe weekly) for updates. Set up quarterly feedback sessions. Encourage open communication by letting everyone know they may reach out to you at any time. 

Also, make your calendar available to the rest of the team as it demonstrates openness. Your coworkers notice that you’re not just sitting on the beach sipping cocktails. Employees take note of when you are accessible for a quick talk. 

Professional Project Management

These are standard project management techniques. They’re significantly more vital when it comes to remote work because you’re missing out on all the tiny checkups and interpersonal communication that come with in-person employment. 

Establish specific action items: Who is in charge of what and when? Then create a list of them and disseminate it to your teammates. You can use project management software to assist you.

Keep track of the progress of these assignments as well. Is everyone still running on time? Do you need to make any changes to your strategy or enlist the help of anyone? 

Use Good Channels Of Communication 

There are hundreds of different tools and techniques to run a remote workforce, thanks to technology. That’s fantastic! However, it would be best if you did not attempt to employ all of them.

In many firms, individual teams use their channels, and people within those teams prefer alternative technology. Imagine having to launch approximately 15 apps every day and remember who liked to use which one. It can become a nightmare!

Instead, choose to test them out and select the ones that work best for you and your team. If you decide that email, Skype, and Slack will be your primary means of written contact, let everyone know. 

Regular Meetings Should Be Scheduled

When it comes to managing remote teams, this is crucial. When you don’t see each other every day at work, scheduling meetings is even more vital.

You may have one with the core staff once a week to discuss the tasks for the next few days. Once a month, hold a meeting with the entire team to discuss accomplishments, lessons learned, and future ideas. Ensure that everyone attends these meetings. Appoint someone to write the minutes and distributes them afterward to maintain transparency and information flow. 

Use Tools For Remote Work 

Again, some excellent tools and apps tools and apps tools and appsare available that help makes a remote workforce much more manageable. Consider project management software such as Trello or Asana. Communication programs like Skype or Slack, as well as file management solutions like Google Drive or Dropbox.

And programs that help you stay organized, such as a password manager, a time zone watcher to know what time zone your coworkers are in, or a VPN to safeguard your data when using public WiFi. 

Improve Your Team’s Skills 

Remember to give your team members the chance to enhance their skills. It could be any advanced education or even a part-time degree. Alternatively, you might provide them with free access to online course platforms to learn whatever they think would help them do their jobs better. 

Of course, the new talents that your workers and freelancers have will benefit you as well. Furthermore, they are grateful for the opportunity to learn something new. The sales motto is to work for the ‘Win-Win.’ 

You’ve Got This! How to Work with a Remote Team 

As you can see, there are numerous options for managing a team of remote workers. While some of the procedures are comparable to those used with an on-site team, others are very remote-specific. If you want your distributed team to be successful and productive, you should pay particular attention to these.

We provide this guide to help you create and manage a great remote team that continuously hits targets and achieves goals. 

Should you have any other tips that could help, please share some of these in the comments below.  

For More Insights:  Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

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Sales Tips: To Help You Manage A Remote Team Successfully

  1. Change your thinking to begin treating employees as your clientele.
  2. At the start of each meeting, ask for your employees’ perspectives as you would a prospective client.
  3. Be open to suggestions for improvement as you would a loyal client.
  4. Practice pay equity; fair and equal pay for each level of employment no matter the gender or race.
  5. Ensure you have fair and qual practices in place for all including promotion into higher-level roles.
  6. Encourage everyone’s input during team meetings.
  7. Address issues upfront before tackling new subject matter.
  8. Incorporate news and research to demonstrate to employees that you are on top of the game.
  9. Similar to returning and referring clientele, encourage employee loyalty.
  10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


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Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, delivers inspirational keynotes at conferences and authored: The International Best-Selling Book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results.” In addition to being translated into four languages, it reached the remarkable and unique level of being hailed Evergreen. Stutz’ commitment to community service led to the writing of her second best-selling book, HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.”

Kred proclaimed Stutz as a “Top 1% Influencer for Social Media,.  CEO World Magazine named Stutz as one of “The brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter”.  Bizzhum and NowISeeIt both named the Smooth Sale Blog as one of the “Top 100 Most Innovative Sales Bloggers.”  Stutz consults and speaks worldwide.

Connect with Stutz:

Twitter: @smoothsale  
LinkedIn: Elinor Stutz

Youtube:  Elinor Stutz

Elinor Stutz (she/her/hers)
International Bestselling Author, Top 1% Influencer, Inspirational Speaker
Smooth Sale 



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Group: Smooth Sale
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