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The Overlooked Pandemic
Patricia Noll -- Good With Me Foundation Patricia Noll -- Good With Me Foundation
St. Petersburg, FL
Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Overlooked Pandemic

St. Petersburg, FL Tuesday, August, 2022 -- Unhappiness snuck by us to become another pandemic. It is an epidemic that knows no boundaries. Founder and CEO of the Good With Me Foundation, Patricia Noll says, "Yes, people do die as a result of unhappiness."

She sites, "Unhappy people die from more than a broken heart. People die from addictions, anger and rage, domestic and criminal violence, suicide, mass shootings, and more."

Likewise, people of all ages are dying at pandemic proportions from overlooked reasons because they worry about... 

  • what people think about them,
  • not looking good enough either physically and/or in life,
  • how to receive enough of the approval they need from others which includes enough social media likes,
  • being right about everything,
  • and being in control of outcomes to include everything and everyone 

This epidemic is spreading beyond local communities on a scale that crosses international boundaries and infects people emotionally on a global scale, even in high places.

For this reason, unhappiness has become equally as dangerous as the pandemics of COVID-19, Suicides, and Mass Shootings.

Noll further states, "My experience with thousands of people has taught me that the #1 thing most people want more than anything else in life is to be happy. And yet, It is a feeling that almost no one knows how to achieve. And if they do get a glimpse of it, it is fleeting."

Too many people of all ages, cultures, skin colors, sexual orientations, and social and success status, are unhappy or are "kinda sorta" happy here and there. Some even pretend to be happy to make themselves look good to others.

Why Does Happiness Elude People Whose #1 Priority is to Have It?

These people search for happiness in all the wrong places as a result of a societal message that has become increasingly insidious in our current culture. This societal message is, for the most part, taught in code. 

The code is never direct or transmitted in clear, concise messages. Instead it is unspoken, but there's no doubt that we understand it.

In fact, we learn the indirect message quite early in life. It goes something like this...we need someone or something to make us happy. Plus we understand that we need to be successful in life and have enough of all the right "stuff" which includes relationships/friendships, material possessions, careers and job titles, living conditions, and even driving the right automobile.

This coded message has been touted in numerous different ways and has become a danger to our world as we know it. Years of this message, albeit in various forms and languages, has taught people around the world to have "other-dependent" esteem...the root of uhappiness and much more.

"Other-dependent" esteem is defined as a dependency

 upon someone or something outside of one's self in order to feel good.

People drink too much alcohol, eat too much fast food, and shop too much just to feel good or at least a little bit better even when they do not have the financial means to do so.

Some individuals depend upon the right relationship partner to feel good. There are those who are driven to become the best at something to feel good, i.e., athletics, academics, dance, public speaking, corporate leaders, etc.    

The hysteria of the societal message taught in code touts what we need to be happy and content is to "keep up with the Joneses." This phrase  made popular in the 1950s when the importance of having all of the same material possessions and wealth as your neighbors hijaacked the root of happiness. A new societal mindset about what was needed to be happy evolved and has grown ever since.

The root cause of the new societal mindset is "other-dependent" esteem. We are teaching it instead of "self-dependent" esteem and wondering why so many people are unhappy.  

Until now it has gone unnoticed and overlooked.

How can a society as advanced and sophicated as ours not recognize the root cause of unhappiness?

To learn more about how to identify "other-dependent" esteem and change thoughts to save lives go to https://www.goodwithmefoundation.org.


About the "Good With Me" Foundation

The "Good With Me" program established in 2014 is the outgrowth from Dr. Noll's Focus One™ program started in 1989. It started as a book, then was proclaimed "Good With Me" Day, and a city co-sponsored annual festival followed. The "Good With Me" Foundation was founded in 2019 to support the "Good With Me" mission to change thoughts and save lives. It became a global humanitarian movement. Filming of 5 segments of a documentary has begun and a trailer has been cut to showcase the highlights of the film. Go to https://www.goodwithmefoundation.org/documentary to view.

"Good With Me" community groups will be made available in 15-20 countries around the globe by certified "Good With Me" Community Leaders to teach participanats who can't afford to participate as well as those who can. This is made available by funding through https:www.goodwithmefoundation.org/donate

Learn more  https://www.goodwithmefoundation.org

About Patricia Noll

Televised addictions and self-esteem specialist, Dr. Patricia Noll founded the Good With Me Foundation, of which she is the CEO and Executive Director, to educate people around the globe about the stunning importance and benefits of self-esteem in a world dominated by other-esteem. She is the author of Good With Me: A Simple Approach to Real Happiness from the Inside Out, an international seller. She founded Focus One™, an Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program, licensed by the state of Florida in 1989. Her Focus One™ program has been endorsed by internationally renowned Deepak Chopra, Dr. Larry Dossey, and others. She is an Acupuncture Physician, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and Certified Addiction Professional. https://www.goodwithmefoundation.org

Dr. Patricia Noll, is available for interviews about how to recognize the warning signs of a potential mass shooter situation and how to change thoughts to save lives.


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Group: Patricia Noll
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