Home > NewsRelease > SPJ partners with Indianapolis theatre company on play, ‘Lifespan of a Fact’
SPJ partners with Indianapolis theatre company on play, ‘Lifespan of a Fact’
Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ)
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Indianapolis, IN
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Lou Harry, SPJ Manager of Publications and Awards, 317-920-4786, lharry@spj.org
Zoë Berg, SPJ Communications Specialist, 317-920-4785, zberg@spj.org

INDIANAPOLIS — The Society of Professional Journalists is partnering with American Lives Theatre, an acclaimed professional theater company in Indianapolis, to present the local premiere of the play "Lifespan of a Fact," Thursday through Sept. 25 at the Phoenix Theatre Cultural Centre.

The play, which had a Broadway run, deals with a fact checker, a writer and an editor wrestling with issues of truth and journalistic integrity.

"When I got wind that American Lives Theatre would be staging 'Lifespan of a Fact,' I immediately thought there could be a win-win partnership with SPJ. The play doesn't just touch on issues of ethics and fact checking, it dives deep into them,” said Quill Editor/SPJ Manager of Publications and Awards Lou Harry. “While being entertaining, it is also the kind of play that sparks lively, important discussions. I have no doubt that will happen in the post-show session. I'm hoping many of our members take advantage of this opportunity to see the play during its limited run."

On Saturday, SPJ will have a table in the lobby to answer questions before the show. After the performance, Harry and SPJ Director of Ethics and Diversity Rod Hicks will host an audience-participation discussion with the artists to discuss the SPJ Code of Ethics and issues raised in the play.

“With so many people distrustful of the news, it’s always good for them to see that journalists consider issues of ethics and work through them,” said Hicks. “This occurs every day in newsrooms across the country. Journalists know that news consumers lose faith in their work if they don’t adhere to high ethical standards”

SPJ members will receive a discount on tickets throughout the show’s run. Information on how to get the discount will be sent to members via SPJ’s weekly newsletter.

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Name: Jennifer Royer
Group: Society of Professional Journalists
Dateline: Indianapolis, IN United States
Direct Phone: 317-927-8000
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