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REVISED: ST launches the 1st statistical analysis of global opptys. & risk
Association of Professional Futurists Association of Professional Futurists
Austin, TX
Monday, October 1, 2018

REVISED: ST launches the 1st statistical analysis of global opptys. & risk

The Association of Professional Futurists (APF) announces their corporate member, Shaping Tomorrow, has successfully created a platform to forecast the top emerging opportunities and threats faced by the world in the future.

Global Trends is a unique, and first-of-its-kind, statistical analysis of the most important, leading indicators of opportunities and threats facing the world today from aggregating the 280,000 forecasts of 25,000 professional pundits, experts, and organizations. It hence removes the bias of individual organizations pushing their own agenda and delivers a long-asked-for request from clients.

APF Board Member, Joyce Gioia, says that "the new analysis is a first step in creating dynamic visualizations of future trends to assist ST and APF members and clients to better anticipate and respond to emerging opportunities and threats in real-time."

Shaping Tomorrow just released its Global Trends charts on its website showing the world's top threats and opportunities as they are forecasted to be five years from now. See Attachment.

Dr. Mike Jackson, Joint Founder of Shaping Tomorrow, says that "the top findings indicate a rosy future for construction and technology companies but threats increasing climate change, spreading diseases and changing technologies, (especially the possible dangers arising from AI) are the main reasons the science sector is at the top of the sector threat list."


About Shaping Tomorrow

Shaping Tomorrow (ST) has pioneered creating a digital foresight strategy consultancy since 2002. It now plays host to 70 clients and partners from all sectors including commercial companies, not-for-profits, and major governments. ST has 10,000 public members and 9,000 client members. They can search on over 280,000 eclectic, machine-generated forecasts to see the likely future of an interesting topic in seconds and to help clients develop their collaborative response in a few hours.

For more details contact:

Matthew Richardson, +44 (0)1273 832221 matthew.richardson@shapingtomorrow.com

THE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL FUTURISTS is a global community of futurists advancing professional foresight. Our credentialed members help their clients anticipate and influence the future. https://www.apf.org

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