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Providentia's Prospectus 2019: Top 30 Trends Futuristas are Watching
Association of Professional Futurists Association of Professional Futurists
Austin, TX
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Providentia Analect 2019
After a very active latter half of 2018 in terms of women's empowerment agenda, 2019 is set to see an acceleration of women taking on the establishment across all sectors and levels - in the number of women seeking to run for office and the number of women willing to speak up on gender inequity - according to women futurists around the world, who contributed to The Futures Forum's Trend Report 'Providentia's Prospectus 2019: Top 30 Trends Futuristas are Watching'. 
Other trends the futurists are watching closely include:
  • Increasing Evidence of Deep State Existence  
  • Increasing Tensions in the Race for Space  
  • Decreasing Levels of Trust in Institutions 
Imagine having prior knowledge that will enable you to hone in on emerging global trends, make informed decisions about the future you want to see and to take action to achieve these goals? The 2019 edition of Providentia's Prospectus Trends Report may be just the tool you need to navigate 2019's uncharted waters.
Providentia's Prospectus  2019 Trends report is based on input from 10 women futurists around the world from Africa, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and the United States, many of whom are members of The Association of Professional Futurists. The #FuturistaTrends2019 Report is the only annual trend report focusing on the perspective of women futurists who regularly observe and treat with the future.
Dr. Claire Nelson, Chief ideation Leader of The Futures Forum, and curator of the prospectus notes that "the more common interpretation of a prospectus as a document, describing the major features of some venture in enough detail so that prospective investors, patrons, participants, or members may evaluate it".  As such, Providentia's Prospectus examines trends in the social, health, technological, economic, environmental and political arenas so that readers may evaluate the emerging landscape of the future.
According to Canadian Futurista, Ayelet Barton,  one of the futuristas participating in the project, "by reporting on the trends we are watching this year, we are setting the stage for a public conversation on the future we women want to see. More than ever, our global society needs healthy, balanced perspectives on the future of this planet, made more visible".
Why Providentia's Prospectus?  In ancient Roman mythology, Providentia, often portrayed with a cornucopia, was the goddess of foresight and was considered an enabler of future abundance.  The prospectus takes a decidedly Socratic stance in reporting on the trends. In essence, it presents the information and invites readers to make wiser decisions based on the findings. After all, it was Socrates who said: "I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think".
"Paying attention to these trends matters if a cornucopia of wellbeing is what we want to achieve. We offer this trend report as a guidebook about some of the major features and attractions of the future landscape we will journey through in 2019", Dr. Nelson noted.
To access a free copy of the 20-page Providentia's Prospectus 2019 Trends Report, visit the website- The Futures Forum,  and follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter @sagientfuturist to comment.

For more information, contact 

Karema Daleythefuturesforu m@gmail.com202.643.2510.


THE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL FUTURISTS is a global community of futurists advancing professional foresight. Our credentialed members help their clients anticipate and influence the future. https://www.apf.org

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