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Non-Profit – Pro-Bono News from www.NewsCouncil.org
News Council News Council
Georgetown, DC
Thursday, April 2, 2020

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Non-Profit – Pro-Bono News from www.NewsCouncil.org

We identify important public affairs issues which may require public relations help -- issues that, with greater information, can increase better understanding by all Americans.

We ask public relations executives to donate non-peak time to assist non-profits.

We match non-profits with public relations execs willing to volunteer their expertise.

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In the age of coronavirus social distancing, marriage skills are reaching new audiences

Marriage education skills are reaching new audiences in the age of coronavirus. One exercise is helping healthcare teams, couples, and families stay connected through social distancing.

In PAIRS classes, it's called the "Daily Temperature Reading" or the "DTR". Originally developed by Virginia Satir, the DTR is often the skill couples point to years later as having been the most useful. As the world adjusts to COVID-19 measures, Virginia Satir's influence continues to make a difference.

Seth Eisenberg    888-724-7748   seth.eisenberg@pairs.com


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Trading Post for Laptops – Very affordable to buy, IRS approved to Donate.

Robert Toporek, from Team Children – a youth charity in Philadelphia.

www.TeamChildren.org is an IRS approved non-profit that has over the past 23 years distributed over 18,000 computers to families, school and organizations. 

They presently have over 200 desktops $100 full systems

…and over 300 laptops $125 -$150 

Free to pick up or $25 to ship UPS

To request a computer, children should get their parents to call.  Mr. Toporek can accept credit cards when the ship to address is the same as the credit card billing address. Parents should call 484-744-1868.

Robert Toporek      610-666-1795    TeamChildren@TeamChildren.com


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Cleaning the Waters and Sediments of Boston Harbor

Boston Harbor was once called the dirtiest water in America. Raw sewage, runoff of the streets, heavy metals, and excess nutrients were found in the waters. This caused all sorts of problems for the people of Boston's health and safety. With the MWRA implementing Deer Island Sewage Treatment Plant, thanks to ratepayers, Boston Harbor is now known as, "A Great American Jewel." Harbor waters are cleaner with people enjoying beaches and recreating. 

Nitrogen as a pollutant

Nitrogen is the worst pollutant of the oceans. It is a limiting nutrient in saltwater, and comes from sources like septic and sewage, agriculture, and lawns with synthetic fertilizers. Synthetic fertilizers need to be applied to lawns multiple times a year and in great quantities. All of that fertilizer does not make it into the soil. When it rains, it gets washed away into rivers, oceans, and sediment where it becomes a problem. Heavy rainfall can sweep septic, sewage, and agriculture nitrogen into waters too.

Dr. Rob Moir    Ocean River Institute   617-661-6647   Rob@OceanRiver.org


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Coronavirus + Televangelists = Deadly Mix


Last year an informant visited Trinity Foundation and told us stories about the apparent contradictions of a prominent televangelist. While promoting himself as a faith healer, the televangelist is secretly a germaphobe. He limited contact with his employees while preaching that we shouldn't have fear.

In contrast, Italian Catholic priest Giuseppe Berardelli recently died from the coronavirus after voluntarily giving his respirator to a younger person struggling with same virus. Berardelli's sacrificial life decision is a bold picture of John 15:13, which says, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends."

As the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has grown, televangelists and so-called prophets have exploited the tragic health situation with false prophecies and fundraising appeals. The Apostle Paul urges believers to test prophecies in 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21. Let's take a look at some of them.


Ole Anthony     Trinity Foundation, Inc./The Door Magazine      214-827-2625    214-827-2625




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Mitigating The Spread Of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) On The Appalachian Trail

Alerts and trailwide updates

Backcountry conditions change constantly. It is your responsibility

to be prepared for the unexpected.


We are closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 to ensure we are taking the appropriate actions, not only for our staff, but also for the community of volunteers and hikers who actively use and work on the Trail.

In order to minimize risks of hikers contracting or spreading COVID-19, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy recommends that all hikers postpone any section or thru-hikes

Brian B. King    Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC)   304-535-6331    bking@appalachiantrail.org


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April Fools' Day: Italians are not joking around anymore as civil unrest builds

Culturally the first of April  – April Fools' Day – is the same in Italy as in America. It's a day of practical jokes and laughs. Only here it's called April Fish Day, because it is related to the ancient end of the Pisces or Fish sign in the zodiac.  It also the day of jokes which Italians inherited from the ancient Roman feast of Hilaria (hilarious in English) celebrated around the spring equinox. During the Hilaria celebrations Romans would dress up in funny masks or try and fool each other with a modified physical appearance.

Enough with the cultural history lesson. The humor shared today on Italian social media bordered on cruel sarcasm.  People exchanged private messages about a month long lock-in being lifted (April Fish Day!!) and sudden announcements about emergency bailout checks in the mail (April Fish Day again!!). It was a sad display of black humor playing off peoples's desperate hopes and pretenses, and no doubt their willingness to get a laugh at any cost. The truth behind this humor is that the state-owned news media updates and government press releases are so confusing that no one knows what to believe anymore. Anything could be true. Even the police-state signed self-certifications that Italians must carry with them as legal waivers explaining which of the four "government approved reasons" they have for driving or walking around has been updated with new rules four or five times in last few  weeks.

Rev. Ben Johnson     Acton Institute Inc    567-356-1777.   therightswriter@gmail.com


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Wharton DC Club Sponsors Leading in Times of Unprecedented Uncertainty Virtual Summit April 6-7. 20 Top Business Minds' Insights

Wharton DC Club Sponsors Leading in Times of Unprecedented Uncertainty Virtual Summit April 6-7. 20 Top Business Minds' Insights

FROM:           Wharton Club of Washington, DC, 7533 Bradley Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20817

For more information, please call: Alan Schlaifer, (301) 365-8999;   info@whartondc.com


Wharton DC Club Sponsors "Leading in Times of Unprecedented Uncertainty." Virtual Summit April 6-7. Timely Insights from 20 of World's Top Business Minds. 100% of Profits to Charity.

Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the U.S. and world face a moment of unprecedented uncertainty: an obstacle of yet-unknown depth or duration. 

Public and private leaders must quickly learn tools and frameworks to understand and shape a future that works. To persevere their commitments to their missions and visions.

On April 6 and 7, the Outthinker Strategy Network will present 20 of the world's top business thinkers to share cutting-edge ideas. To help us move forward despite the turmoil.

  • From across disciplines – economics, leadership, marketing, strategy, culture, organization, technology, operations – virtual attendees will hear from and personally interact with creators of cutting-edge ideas most critical to navigating through the turbulence.
  • 100% of profits from sales for this Summit will be donated to non-profit organizations helping the most at-risk communities and populations dealing with the virus. These include children without hot lunches, hourly workers out of work, and elderly most at risk medically.

Speakers include these thought leaders:

  • Paul Krugman – Princeton Prof. & Nobel Laureate: Leading Economies Through Crises and the Long-term Implications of COVID-19
  • Roger Martin – Former Dean of Rotman Business School, ranked by Thinkers50 as #1 management thinker in the world (2017) on creating great choices through integrative thinking
  • Rita McGrath – World's #1 ranked strategy thought-leader by Thinkers50 on how to spot inflection points
  • Ming Zeng – Former Chief Strategy Officer of Alibaba on the networked, intelligent organization of the future
  • Amy Webb – Leading futurist, award-winning author, and professor on strategic foresight, the future of AI and its implications on humanity
  • Whitney Johnson – Thinkers50 member, best-selling author and podcaster on applying disruption theory to accelerate your career
  • Safi Bahcall – Physicist, biotech entrepreneur, public CEO, and author of FT Book of the Year, on how to nurture transformative ideas
  • Liz Wiseman – The most influential leadership thinker in the world (by Thinkers50) on how to lead through turbulent times
  • Pete Fader – Wharton professor and leading authority on customer lifetime value and evolving into a customer-centric organization
  • George Day – Wharton professor and leading innovation thinker on creating organizations that thrive on turbulence
  • Nicolas Bry – Founder of Orange Startup Studios and author of The Intrapreneurs Factory on how to activate internal innovation
  • Kaihan Krippendorff – Thinkers50 Innovation Award Finalist, and Author of Driving Innovation from Within, on enabling your employees to drive your I am innovation
  • Josh Linkner – NYT bestselling author, VC investor, and #1 most booked innovation keynote speaker on entrepreneurial thinking and leadership

What attendees get out of joining.

**A unique opportunity to interact with the world's foremost business thinkers from their home office. Or wherever anyone has Internet access.

**An understanding of what the future may hold for them.  

**Latest tools to craft strategies, drive innovation and lead transformation to get through the turmoil.  

**Insights on how to execute on their updated plan strategy. 

**Leadership techniques and to activate colleagues and broader communities  


Here's how it works:

  • 2 Days – On April 6 & 7, from 8am to 9pm ET
  • 20 Speakers – Attendees pick which sessions to join these two days. And which ones to view later or revisit. They keep access to all content for a full year.
  • Live + Q&A – All sessions will happen live. Q&A for attendees to ask questions.
  • Rates: 99/person for 1-4; 399 for 5, 699 for 10
  • Online – Anyone can join from anywhere. No travel needed!

Register here: https://buytickets.at/theoutthinkernetwork/r/wharton-dc


Alan N. Schlaifer    Wharton School Club of Washington, DC     301-365-8999     Info@WhartonDC.com


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Click to www.NewsReleaseWire.com to open and read all releases or click on release of interest.


*New Ways to Think About Money Suggested by Thomas Greco



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*Podcast on Comedians and Slow Pay



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*A New Paradigm: University of One V/Classroom



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*?? Former Rep Diane Black Opens Up About America



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*San Francisco Writers Conference Events Will Go On As Planned



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*Coronavirus Impact On Medicare Supplement Insurance Agents Studied



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*Create ?Productivity on Demand? for When Normalcy Returns: Barbara Hemphill?s POD Program Provides Training for Maximization



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*David Yohe - Film



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*Wharton DC Club Sponsors Leading in Times of Unprecedented Uncertainty Virtual Summit April 6-7. 20 Top Business Minds' Insights



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*Chief Digital Officer JOBS Update for March 2020



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*Was there a Conspiracy or Order to Fire at Kent State?



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*Get the Celebrity Auction Brochure



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*Let's Not Get Fooled Again by Trump's Spin



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*April Fools' Day: Italians are not joking around anymore as civil unrest builds



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*5 Reasons I Love Carpet (And Why You Should Too)



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*What To Do In Times Of Uncertainty [Podcast]



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*Disinfecting with Light



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*Saturday Webinar Gives How-To Tools for Writing and Productivity



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*How Celebrities and Influencers will shape Marketing after COVID-19



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*US Shale Oil: Black Gold, Red Ink



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*Alan Weiss's Word of the Week? ? 04/01/20



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*March Adness 2020: See Flawless 4 Winners and Get Ready for the Championship!



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*COVID-19 and Ecommerce



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*5 ways to handle conflicts during challenging times  https://conta.cc/33ZHSwK pic.twitter.com/rDLrzC0ctD



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* Talk Radio News -  Wednesday, April 1, 2020




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