Monday, June 8, 2020
Dr. Michael C. Grayson, in Eastern Time, via phone, Skype or Zoom
Intro: There is a new program that stops creditor payments for three to 12 months just launched by the The Credit and Debt Management Institute or CDMI. Their Stop Creditor Payments™ service allows consumers to stop all creditor and bill payments for up to a year without penalty to their credit score. Joining us to discuss this new program is its author, Dr. Michael Grayson.
- With the COVID-19 Pandemic we are not even close to seeing the term personal and economic impact including a record number of bankruptcies. What is your forecast? Are we looking at long term or short-term recovery?
Answer: This largely depends on the individual. For many it will be a long-term recovery, but for those who understand how protect their credit and assets, it can be a quicker recovery.
- You have over 35 years of credit industry experience, and you founded the Credit and Debt Management Institute. Tell us how you've been able to help people over the years including those negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Answer: Our tested and proven multi-platform credit restoration programs are integrated with an industry-leading, award-winning algorithm that has helped us break all three credit industry world records including the highest recorded credit score. We remove the fear of having a person's credit destroyed based on financial hardship that is beyond an individual's control. This comprehensive program temporarily modifies, settles, or defers all payments and bills. We help consumers and small business emerge unscathed from the disruptive coronavirus pandemic, by helping clients to maintain and build their credit during this financial meltdown. We help people stop creditor payments for 3 to 12 months without hurting a person's credit score.
- Is this a free service or is there a fee?
Answer: CDMI is providing the dual-mode intellectual property for a one-time fee, including credit monitoring and customization. This creates a bespoke platform, enabling consumers and small business owners the ability to differentiate their creditor deferment plans and to secure a competitive advantage.
- Where may we get more information about your services on both fixing credit and on expediting SBA assistance?
Answer: At (that's with the number 4).
- You wrote a book on fixing your credit. Where might we get that?
Answer: The book is titled, 'How to Stop Making Payments,' and it can be purchased on

Dr. Michael C. Grayson has a proven track record of over 20 years for helping businesses receive funding.
Dr. Grayson currently holds all three credit industry records including the world's highest credit score.
Dr. Grayson provides one-on-one consultation and hands-on processing services every step of the way for individuals and businesses needing assistance with SBA funding or credit management.
One America News with Stephanie Myers interview with Dr. Michael Grayson on The State of the U.S. Economy /