Home > NewsRelease > Maryland is #8 with HBOT Enactment
Maryland is #8 with HBOT Enactment
TreatNOW Coalition --  Concussion Protocol Experts TreatNOW Coalition -- Concussion Protocol Experts
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Arlington, VA
Friday, July 22, 2022

July 22 2022
Please share throughout your networks. Maryland is #8 with HBOT enactment, and with $1m funding to begin treatments in 2024. There are 10 additional states in work with draft language, draft language considerations, or discussions of drafting legislation (ND, CO, WY, ID, NY, MO, NE, TN, OR). 
Special recognition to Maryland State Senator Sarah Elfreth who sponsored and pushed the MD HBOT legislation through on our behalf to the finish line (her dad is a Vietnam Veteran). Rory Murry (consultant) and Dylan Behler (chief of staff) did the heavy lifting behind the scenes. We now have 16% of the US states enacted. How many more states will it take before leaders in DC act?  We can no longer wait. The $20M VA Grand Challenge to find a solution for the national TBI/PTSD Veteran suicide epidemic is a call to action for us. We can leverage the VA national request for help to our advantage. 
It’s time we begin selling the compelling and irrefutable medical evidence (Harch paper below as an example, other medical documents should be included with a focus on how HBOT has reduced or eliminated suicide ideation) within the package, the significant financial burden to the US taxpayers (estimated $118.1 billion annually, $4.7 Trillion over a 40-year life span with current treatment protocol) versus the saving and value equation (The National Brain Wounded Veteran Brain Drain, TreatNOW.org), and Veteran testimonials (dozens on TreatNOW.org) and market to every single news media outlet, newspapers, radio, podcasts, TV, social media, VSO outlets, we can get to listen and share. The time for more data and research is an excuse that simply has reached a breaking point.
Amongst this e-mail group, we have enormous clout. National leading HBOT MD medical experts, clinic expertise, civilian advocates, retired military and combat Veterans, state legislators, TBI survivors, MOH recipients, etc.
The TBI/PTSD survivors include NFL players, special operators (SEALS, Force Recon, Rangers, Green Berets, Night Stalkers, etc), military Veterans (Marines (18%) and Army (53%) comprise approximately 71% of TBI/PTSD Veterans, first responders, MOH recipients. The American people want to hear their stories, we need to find a way to bring them forward for the American people to listen to and view. We need to inform the American people and then they will help us act.  
How do we leverage all this national knowledge and expertise into a concise and precise message delivery we can all sign onto and market to the American people? What captures the hearts of Americans are the stories of Veterans and their perseverance in spite of overwhelming odds against them. The stores of survival against all odds and how they arrived at this point in time through life-saving HBOT treatments. I do believe if we are successful in getting these stories to the American people, the US Congress will be forced to act. It is the history of every single major Veteran legislation where one or multiple compelling Veteran stories drive change. 
The letter to President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden is just the first step (we are hoping for the invitation to Kevin Hensley this week for the signing of the Burn Pit legislation next week). We need to get our HBOT stories out into the mainstream. The US Congress will have to listen when we have 18 million Veterans and the American public behind us. I look forward to receiving any feedback you may want to share on the process and how we should migrate this effort forward. 
Eric Koleda
National Director, TreatNOW State Legislative Efforts
Director and Founder

Key Words:  Special Operators, veterans, suicide, athletesbrain healthblast injurybrain injurybrain woundChronic Traumatic Encephalopathyconcussionconcussion protocolConcussion SymptomsCTEHBOTHyperbaric Oxygen therapyTBITBItreatmenttraumatic brain injury, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD

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Name: Robert L. Beckman. PhD
Group: TreatNOW Coalition
Dateline: Arlington, VA United States
Direct Phone: 703-346-8432
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