Home > NewsRelease > Letter Carriers Union Opposes Cutback in Mail Service
Letter Carriers Union Opposes Cutback in Mail Service
National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO) National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO)
Orlando, FL
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The president of the 300,000-member National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) today opposed the proposal by Postmaster General John E. Potter to eliminate Saturday delivery to American homes and businesses, and urged Congress instead to take steps that would provide ?financial breathing room? while a better plan can be developed.

NALC President Fredric V. Rolando, in this city for the mid-winter meeting of the AFL-CIO Executive Council, said such a drastic move is both unnecessary and counter-productive and that other steps should be taken to bolster the Postal Service's financial situation while all stakeholders examine viable long-term changes that will assure continued universal service throughout the country.

?I do not believe that weakening our commitment of six-day service to the public will enhance the long-term position of the Postal Service as a critical element in our nation's economic infrastructure,? Rolando said. ?In view of the January report released by the postal Inspector General that showed that the USPS was overcharged by $75 billion for postal pension costs, Congress instead should take immediate steps to correct the error.?

?If Congress takes such action, the Postal Service will have the financial breathing room needed to develop a more successful plan,? Rolando added. ?The NALC stands ready to join in discussions with other principal stakeholders to develop a comprehensive strategy for the long-term viability of the Postal Service and continued high-quality service to the American people.?


The 300,000-member NALC represents city delivery letter carriers in all 50 states and U.S. jurisdictions employed by the U.S. Postal Service, along with retired letter carriers.

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Name: Philip Dine
Title: Director of Public Relations
Group: National Association of Letter Carriers(AFL-CIO)
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-662-2489
Main Phone: 202-393-4695
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