Home > NewsRelease > How to Close More Membership Sales With One Simple Tweak
How to Close More Membership Sales With One Simple Tweak
Scott Whitaker  -- Membership Expert Scott Whitaker -- Membership Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Charleston, SC
Tuesday, March 19, 2019


There are a number of ways in which memberships can help to improve their sales, all of which essentially boil down to implementing strategies that genuinely work and help their salespeople to achieve success.

One such method is to begin to focus on pitching outcomes rather than products. Getting the opportunity to pitch to someone capable of making the decision to purchase your products or services is difficult enough, and when you do have that opportunity you should not squander it by giving an in-depth account of all of the features and details of the product or service you are attempting to sell. It is far more important to provide them with a concise explanation as to how they and their company are going to benefit from using and engaging with your membership. Be sure to include examples and case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of what you are offering.

If you’re ready to multiply your membership and money, here are three other ways you can make it happen!

  1. Free Online Training… I’ll show you the number one strategy to triple your membership and do it over and over again. Click here to secure your spot now.
  2. Don’t want to wait for the online training? Get the recording now. You can get immediate access to the most recent training. Just click here to get the recording.
  3. Triple Your Membership And Do It Over and Over Again ToolkitThis is the fastest way to get more members and take a member from sign-up to fully-engaged. You get the full toolkit with blueprints, templates and processes to help you get more members. Click here to learn more!

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About Scott Whitaker

Scott is an expert in creating and building membership programs within businesses, giving greater value to customers and multiplying income. Using his "Seven Systems of a Healthy Membership Program," he will help you get new members, increase retention and structure your membership program for long-term growth.
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Name: Scott Whitaker
Group: Membership Multipliers
Dateline: Charleston, SC United States
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