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Sunday, April 21, 2024


Experts for Interview from ExpertClick.com

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Transforming Philanthropy: Moving Beyond Misguided Frugality to Achieve Real Change

In the world of philanthropy, the paradox of thrift often stymies even the most well-intentioned efforts to drive change.

Kris Putnam-Walkerly Global Philanthropy Expert

Many philanthropists, in their earnest attempt to maximize the impact of every dollar, fall into the trap of what I term "Delusional Altruism." This occurs when donors are so focused on minimizing overhead and operational expenses that they inadvertently hinder their ability to make a real impact.

The concept is simple yet profound: by excessively cutting costs in areas like strategy development, talent, technology, succession planning, and advisement, donors and foundation leaders can actually limit their effectiveness and the effectiveness of the organizations they wish to help. Let's explore how this mindset can be transformed to empower true, systemic change in philanthropy.

The Pitfall of Misguided Frugality

One of the most common missteps in philanthropy is the undue emphasis on minimizing overhead costs. This misguided frugality in philanthropy is typically well-intentioned. Philanthropists often believe that by cutting back on administrative expenses, more funds can be directed toward "real" change. However, this perspective is short-sighted and counterproductive.

For instance, one of my clients, the CEO of a private foundation, refused to allow staff to take laptops on business trips to avoid the cost of potential replacements if they were dropped or damaged. While the intention was to save money, the actual result was a significant reduction in productivity, as staff were unable to work effectively while traveling. This is a perfect example of "saving money on all the wrong things," a practice that can severely restrict an organization's ability to operate efficiently and responsively.

The Importance of Investing in Capacity

True transformation in philanthropy requires an investment in both personal and organizational capacity. This means supporting not just the immediate, direct costs of projects but also the systems, skills, and staff that underpin successful initiatives. Investing in nonprofit capacity is crucial. Philanthropists and professional philanthropy leaders must recognize that investing in administrative capacities, technological upgrades, strong governance, and talented personnel is not antithetical to effective giving; rather, it is foundational to transformational philanthropy and sustained impact.

Take, for example, a nonprofit that required multi-year funding to advocate for policy changes related to drug treatment. The potential donor offered only a one-year grant, fearing that longer commitments would tie up funds that could be used elsewhere. This short-term approach neglected the reality that effective advocacy requires sustained effort and secure funding commitments. The nonprofit had difficulty hiring someone to lead the advocacy effort because they could only guarantee one year of funding. Here again, we see how a scarcity mindset can limit the potential for real progress.

See full news release here: www.NewsReleaseWire.com/303657

Name: Kris Putnam-Walkerly

Title: Global Philanthropy Expert

Group: Putnam Consulting Group, Inc.

Dateline: Westlake, OH United States

Main Phone: 800-598-2102

Cell Phone: 510-388-5231

Email: kris@putnam-consulting.com

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Patrick Byrne, Author of 'Danger Close -- Domestic Extremist Number 1 Comes Clean'

In his explosive memoir, Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock.com, presents a harrowing account of his involvement in a maze of corruption and deception at the top tiers of the U.S. government. Published by Defiance Press, Danger Close: Domestic Extremist Threat #1 Comes Clean offers readers an extraordinary glimpse behind the veil of power, laying bare startling truths poised to redefine public knowledge of governmental operations.

Dave Roberts, CEO of Defiance Press, emphasizes the critical timing of the book's publication, stating, "With the approach of the 2024 election, it's imperative that the public learns the full scope of the 'Russiagate' conspiracy. Patrick Byrne's revelations provide a sobering reminder of the urgent need for transparency and truth in our political discourse."

See full news release and video at: www.NewsReleaseWire.com/303733

Media Contact: For a review copy of Danger Close or to arrange an interview with Patrick Byrne, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or at 734-667-2090. Reach Lorenz on Twitter @abookpublicist.

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David Morey -- Dedicated to Helping Companies Win

Nearly seventy years ago, legendary management consultant Peter Drucker concluded all business is about two things—marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation. And seven decades later, this is truer than ever. Today, both marketing and innovation demand a change-leader focus, a bias for playing offense—and planning and acting not as an incumbent, but rather as an insurgent.

The greatest biographer of our day, my former colleague, Walter Isaacson, has written bestselling works on innovators and innovations—the likes of Ben Franklin, Steve Jobs, Leonardo da Vinci, Elon Musk, and code-breaking biochemist Jennifer Doudna. In each of these masterful accounts, Isaacson underscores the power of thinking across disciplines and as a leader of change—arguing that innovation demands mixing our own creative stew to help break away from the menu of our own status quo patterns and limiting beliefs.

In Isaacson's more recent work, The Code Breaker, he shows us how change leaders struggle between and within the private, academic, and public sectors to drive breakthrough innovation forward. And, most recently, Elon Musk unpacks the volatile and on-the-edge mixture of genius and paradigm shifter—in the form of the world's richest man.

See full news release here: www.NewsReleaseWire.com/302087

David Morey is Chairman and CEO of DMG Global, and a best-selling author. He has advised 22 winning global presidential campaigns and worked with a Who's Who of Fortune 500 companies and leaders.

Name: David Morey dmorey@dmghq.com

Title: Vice Chairman

Group: Core Strategy Group

Dateline: Washington, DC United States

Direct Phone: 888-626-9776

Main Phone: 202-223-7945

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Create Your New Life with Marilyn L. Redmond

Enjoy this interview with Jim Masters as he asks Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond all the right questions to understand her gifts and abilities to bring healing and truth into the lives of her clients and audiences. She explains her focus in helping others with her spiritual gifts and talents to find the origin of the difficulties, issues, and medical concerns to resolve them.

and wisdom to life experience. Marilyn explains her different spiritual talents where her angels, Angelica, and Archangel Michael help her with her counseling, writing, and art. Through her many traumatic times, she found gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, and wisdom to help others find hope and answers to resolve life issues. In addition, her help comes from going through those difficulties and coming out on the other side. She brings hope and resolutions.

Everyone can find peace within and move into enjoying the "Now" in daily living. She knows that everyone can affirm their truth about themselves and release the programming from beliefs and past issues. Jim Masters's questions bring new and interesting responses that clarify many aspects of a spiritual minister, medium/physic, regressionist, author, artist, and more.

Stories from Marilyn's real life show her growth beyond the harrowing issues which revealed solutions to move her into a higher conscious and leave the past behind. Filmed at her home, she also shows off her art studio and therapy room. Her books on Amazon guide the reader through the steps that move you into love and grace. We all return to our spiritual home by healing and resolving the opportunities that challenge us to grow by moving from fear into love. Love never fails.

Rev. Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT -- Healing and Spiritual Growth

See full news release here: NewsReleaseWire.com/303734

Read her monthly column on https://www.thesussexnewspaper.com

Check her website, https://www.angelicasgifts.com /

Her11 books are at Amazon -Marilyn L. Redmond

190 videos on You Tube at https://www.youtube.com/user/puyallup98372,

Blog at http://marilynredmondbooks.blogspot.com./

Contact her at angelicasgifs6@outlook.com

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Inflation and geopolitics and earnings. Oh, my!

Greg Womack -- Oklahoma Financial Adviser

It was a rough week for stock markets. "The S&P 500 closed 1.5% lower on Friday, while the Nasdaq Composite dipped 1.6%. Every S&P 500 sector closed lower—and just about 40 stocks in the index finished the day with gains," reported Connor Smith of Barron's.

A trio of issues caused investors to reassess their expectations for the year. Here's what many were thinking about:

Prices rising at home. Early last week, the Consumer Price Index showed prices had moved higher in March. Headline inflation was 3.5 percent year-over-year, up from 3.2 percent in February. Higher prices for gasoline and shelter were the primary drivers of the increase. Inflation, in tandem with strong economic data, dashed investors' hopes that the Federal Reserve will lower rates soon, reported Augusta Saraiva and Matthew Boesler of Bloomberg.

Tensions rising overseas. One of the drivers behind rising prices is geopolitics, reported Rita Nazareth of Bloomberg. Oil markets have been responding to the possibility of escalating tensions in the Middle East, as well as the damage done by drone strikes on Russian oil infrastructure. Equities moved lower and gold moved higher as investors sought so-called safe-haven investments, last week.

Corporate earnings growth. Last week, banks began reporting on their performance during the first quarter of 2024. Some banks reported net interest income (the profit earned from lending money) that was lower than analysts anticipated. The gap in expectations was due, in part, to the fact that bank accountholders were seeking higher returns on their savings, reported Sridhar Natarajan of Bloomberg. Despite disappointment over bank's interest income, earnings grew by 3.2% for the handful of S&P 500 companies that have already reported, according to John Butters at FactSet.

By the end of the week, major U.S. stock indices were lower. U.S. Treasury yields moved higher over the week.

Financial markets are likely to be volatile as investors adjust to U.S. economic strength and changing expectations for Fed rate cuts and geopolitical events. While market turbulence can be unsettling, price swings can create opportunities to invest in quality assets at attractive levels.

Is your portfolio positioned to take advantage of the trends? Please click here for your free risk assessment. This questionnaire will allow of us to find a way that best fits your needs! We will be in touch to review with you.

For more information on how to be financially prepared, contact our office at (405) 340-1717 or email greg@womackadvisers.com

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Mauricio Velásquez, President of DTG Appears on Two Radio Shows

Herndon, VA --- Mauricio Velásquez, President of The Diversity Training Group (DTG), a premier Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), general harassment prevention consulting and training boutique appeared on two radio shows recently – USA Radio's Nationally syndicated Gary Nolan Show "Warrior for Liberty" and the Frankie Boyer Show. DTG has never been more relevant with current political climate, hate on the rise, harassment, CRT, etc. Both appearances can be found on DTG's website – diversitydtg.com/radio. Both appearances were well received with rave reviews. Podcasts, video snippets also on website and on YouTube (use full name).

The Diversity Training Group, starting its 27th year, led by President Mauricio Velásquez---featured guest on national radio talk shows across the country and a frequent national speaker, also has appeared on TV--- provides consulting and training in D&I, harassment prevention (gender equity), rescue diversity, mentoring, executive coaching, expert witness testimony and helps our clients with "winning the war for talent" in this era of the Great Resignation.

More information can be found on Mauricio and his DTG training and consulting team, at DTG's website diversitydtg.com. Contact Mauricio/DTG at (703) 478-9191 or mauriciovelasquez@diversitydtg.com

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Jim Ciardella is a storyteller, Ferrari enthusiast, and native Californian.

Born and raised in Palo Alto, California, he grew up in the heart of Silicon Valley. His new book, titled The Dealer, How One California Dealership Fueled the Rise of Ferrari Cars in America, is the story of Ferrari of Los Gatos, a dealership that became number one in North America during the 1980s.

Along with Ferraris, the dealership sold hot rods, muscle cars, and other classic cars, gaining the reputation to be able to find any car a customer desired. The book tells how the business became so successful and shares stories from the people that lived the dream daily.

Published by Prometheus Books, part of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., The Dealer is scheduled for release in July, 2022.

See his press room at: https://www.expertclick.com/14831


Jim Ciardella, Author


650) 339-1499

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