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Dr. Toy's Guide -- Global Medicine Hunter – Call For Speakers
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Washington, DC
Sunday, September 19, 2021


Dr. Toy&'s Guide -- Global Medicine Hunter -- Call For Speakers

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Book Experts Direct – contact info provided.

Or reply with date of show and time, and we'll arrange for you.

---Mitch Davis, ExpertClick.com (202) 333-5000

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Kate Zabriskie - Training Course Program Seminar Workshop

Business Training Works - Onsite training provider answers your questions about soft-skills: customer service, communication skills, business etiquette, business writing, time management, presentation skills, train the trainer, creativity and critical thinking, negotiation, supervision skills, and the other basics that people need to be successful at work.

Port Tobacco, MD

301.934.3250 Phone

240-412-3955 Cell/Text



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Matt McCann -- Long Term Care Expert

Matt McCann, is recognized as one of the nation's leading Long-Term Health Care (LTC) specialists and a nationally known speaker on Long-Term Health Care issues. Since 1998, Matt has been a leader in finding solutions for the physical, emotional and financial burdens LTC places on the American Family. He has been recognized by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance as one of the top specialists in the country.

Darian, IL 630-487-2480



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Voss W. Graham – Performance Expert

Expertise getting people to the next level of performance. Expertise in executive, manager and fast-tracker coaching. Provide insight for effective communication for individuals and teams. Experienced in Major Account Selling - moving sales teams and management from transactional to key account selling. Guide selection process using assessments and the interpretation of assessments to get the right people for the right jobs. Aligning performance with strategic objectives for accelerating growth. Author - Three Games of Selling. Tweets by @VossWGraham

Cordova, TN

901-757-4434 Phone

901-230-4036 Cell/Text



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Will Kaydos The Real State of the Union, LLC

Strengthen our economy and society so all Americans will have ample opportunity to earn a reasonably comfortable and secure life.

Change our dysfunctional government into one that gets things done to improve the lives of all Americans.

Make our country a real democracy.

Raleigh, NC




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Dr. Lisa M. Aldisert -- Leadership is a Mindset

r. Lisa Aldisert believes leadership is a mindset. That's why as an executive advisor, she teaches leaders to embrace leadership in from the practical to the conceptual. Working closely with her clients, Aldisert helps develop leaders' ability to build character, trust instincts, leverage communication skills, enhance original thinking and respect time.

When these leadership skills are unleashed, leaders have less fear, more wins and overall greater velocity in their careers.

Aldisert is available to comment on Leadership is a Mindset as well as executive women in business, family-owned enterprises, and the changing face of the United States workforce. She is the author of "Valuing People: How Human Capital Can Be Your Strongest Asset" and "Leadership Reflections - 52 Leadership Practices in the Age of Worry".

New York, NY




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Meg Jordan, PhD., RN, CWP -- Global Medicine Hunter (R)

Meg Jordan, Ph.D., RN, is a medical anthropologist, an international health journalist, radio personality, editor and founder of American Fitness Magazine, and the Global Medicine Hunter. She is Department Chair and Professor of Integrative Health Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and has lectured for San Francisco State University and UCLA. She is a doctor of behavioral medicine in clinical practice in northern California, formerly with the Health Medicine Center. Dr. Jordan is a board member of the National Wellness Institute. Her syndicated columns, radio & television reports, and special media projects cover health, wellness, integrative medicine, indigenous healing traditions and cultural trends. Her doctoral research has focused on the collaborative attempts among practitioners to combine medical modalities within integrative settings. She was a core faculty member of a new media venture with Deepak Chopra entitled MyPotential, and was a founding correspondent on iVillage, covering Global Health for women.

Her syndicated columns on health and wellness are distributed to over 17 major newspapers and magazines worldwide. She is a former health reporter for KTVU-San Francisco, a regular media commentator for CNN and several national shows, and author of five books. Her latest, THE FITNESS INSTINCT was a minor bestseller, Rodale Reach 1999) and has been acclaimed as "the most original thinking in fitness in 20 years" Founder of AFAA's American Fitness Magazine, she has also authored college texts including Fitness: Theory & Practice. Her new book in progress is Adventures of a Global Medicine Hunter. Her latest DVD is "Listening to the World: Integrating Traditional, Alternative and Western Medicine" from BetterLife Media.

As a registered nurse, she supervised cardiac rehabilitation units and opened the nation's first hospital-based wellness center at Daniel Freeman Hospital in Los Angeles. She is also president of Global Health Media., a health communications and research firm, which provides groundbreaking reports on health and fitness, motivation, lifestyle change and worldwide cultural health trends. In development are multi-media presentations of her findings as the Global Medicine Hunter, a unique two-way media enterprise that enhances the lives of indigenous people, while exploring native methods of healing. She serves on numerous advisory boards, including the California Association of Naturopathic Physicians, the California Institute of Integral Studies, Health Medicine Institute, and was a hospital trustee with the ValleyCare Health System, where she helped launched a wellness center. She is winner of the coveted Healthy American Fitness Leader award, a founding member of the California Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, and creator of over 22 platinum-selling videos on health and fitness. A featured presenter with the National Wellness Speakers Bureau, Meg consistently receives the highest marks for seminar presentations and keynotes with American Heart Association, Lucent Technologies, California Department of Health, and many more organizations. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, and enjoys a wide range of activities including racing sailboats, hiking in redwood forests, hosting salons, time with friends and family, and adventure travel.

Novato, CA

415 599-5523 Phone

415 599-5523 Cell/Text megjordan21@me.com


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Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert

Dr. Bob Reuschlein's futuristic nine fields of interdisciplinary talent in math, science, engineering, wargaming, politics, business, academics, peace economics, and climate science amaze audiences with his many insights. His prediction models have the potential to transform macroeconomic theory tenfold and also improve global warming theory tenfold.

His techniques combine rare basic research and engineering/accounting accuracy with business and political astuteness. Bob crushed Gary Gygax in their only direct wargame before he went on to invent Dungeons and Dragons in 1974. Bob later held several political party positions in the state of Oregon: state executive committee, national convention delegate, and was on the 1984 electoral college slate. He graduated from the U.S. third ranked electrical engineering program joining four honor societies. Bob has been listed in various Who's Who five decades. Books: Peace Economics, Strength Through Peace, Real Economy, 25th Anniversary video of Peace Economics with booklet in 2010. Unlike the baffled IPCC climate experts he can explain the fifteen year slowing in global warming 1998-2013 and predicts it will accelerate after 2025. Go to the website www.realeconomy.com for details and links to academia.edu and wordpress.com.

Bob's done countless radio and television interviews and has written monthly columns and commentaries for decades. His background is multi-decades long in politics and business, technical in engineering and accounting. Topics: leadership, innovation; investments; economics; war; climate; politics; history; empires; 54 year cycle; managed 11 retail stores; ethanol; and super fund.

Madison, WI




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Elinor Stutz -- Top One Percent Influencer and Sales Performance Guru

Elinor Stutz broke through barriers long before doing so was popular. Against all the odds, she defied the theme, "women can't sell" to become the top producer at every company she ever worked, all the while ignoring attempts to get her to quit.

Eleven years later, I lay motionless on a stretcher with an irreparable broken neck. Two visions appearing before me, and a brilliant gold light encasing my entire body, gave me reason to believe I would recover. I whole-heartedly knew I was about to embark upon empowering audiences far and wide. In the moment, I negotiated a full recovery with the promise to be of service. The surgeon and hospital staff anointed me with the title, "The Walking Miracle"

As the CEO of Smooth Sale, Stutz adapted the motto, "Believe, Become, Empower" Stutz is a motivational/inspirational speaker, author and sales trainer.

Stutz volunteers her time to The Women's Information Network as a Thought Leader, and is on the Social Media Committee for Inclusion Allies Coalition.

Ashburn, VA

408 209 0550



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Stevanne Auerbach -- Dr. Toy's Guide

Dr. Stevanne Auerbach, Director, a popular media contributor. Dr. Auerbach/Dr. Toy(tm) was Director of the world's first museum to promote play and appreciation of toys, The San Francisco International Toy Museum. 15 Books include Dr. Toy's Smart Play/Smart Toys: How to Select and Use the Best Toys and Games", Toys for a Lifetime: Enhancing Childhood Through Play,The Toy Chest, Choosing Child Care. Produces annual reports, 'Dr. Toy's 100 Best Children's Products', 'Best Vacation Products', 'Best Classic Products' 'Best Green' and "Best Picks". Products and others on www.drtoy.com. She writes Dr.Toy, articles online and in publications. "Smart Play Smart Toys" is available in 12 countries including China, Croatia, Egypt, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Korea, Russia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey,and USA. She speaks to parents and professionals and offers guidance on play, toys and parenting.

San Francisco, CA




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John Collard -- Turnaround Interim Management Expert

10 Ways to Restart and Improve Profits in Your Company

By John M. Collard

Restarting companies after Coronavirus shelter-in-place, stay-at-home and social distancing orders is a formidable task, but can be done. This will require changes in thinking about how the company operates and what it will look like. When you add revenue without increasing indirect costs and overhead you drive profit. Here are some ideas to restart new profitability. Use these as a starting point since this most likely isn't your first rodeo. We have all been bucked off before, The following ten ideas may spark your business intellect, during which you will surely think of more.

Add New Products and Services to Offer Existing Customers

Look for new task and change orders to expand work for customers under contract. Needs change and customers will add business when they like what you do for them. Consider bundling or unbundling products and services, and reprice them to make them more acceptable to customer need.

Enter into joint ventures or strategic alliances with teaming partners, suppliers or customers to market each other's products. Seek partners whose business complements your own, then their products and services should match up well. These alliances can also expose your business to new markets.

Enter New Markets with Your Existing Product and Service Offerings

Figure out what you do best and try marketing to them, while developing new business in new areas. If you have expertise that you perform on Army contracts, for instance, then try marketing to the Navy, Civilian Agencies, and/or Commercial Customers. Your products and skills are transferable, because new customers often have similar needs. Many restaurateurs have adapted to curb-side and delivery service, they can also expand to catering events or operating corporate facilities as well. Be creative.

Revitalize aging products and services. What other uses can you find for them? Repurpose their uses in order to attract new markets, then you have a new stream of income from a product or service that was once dormant.

When you are strong in operations and production, then produce private label for others. When strong in sales and marketing then contract with subcontractors to do some of the work. There are always opportunities.

Understand and Adjust Pricing Based on Cost-Driver Activity

Think in terms of Activity-Based Costing and Net Profit Margin. When Overhead is allocated (or not) on the wrong cost base, then profits become skewed in the wrong way, which can adversely affect pricing. Develop managerial accounting systems that give visibility to costs required to produce revenue by activity.

Don't fall into the trap of allowing one product activity line to subsidize another. Balance the price-to-cost ratios based on the activity that uses the support structure. For example; if one product requires the majority of plant and facilities to produce, then allocate costs by square footage usage to that product, instead of by revenue, for instance.

Think of every product or service that your company sells as if it were a separate business. Does each one contribute to profitability? Perhaps not. When this occurs, you may need to dispose of some products and services and keep those which generate money. This will help you eliminate costs in favor of profitability.

Give Customers What They Want

When you give customers exactly what they want, and only what they want, pricing is usually not an issue for them. When you deliver value, that outweighs price, because that value helps the customer meet their needs and produce better results. When you give customers what they want, they can become referral sources.

When you give customers more than they ask for, they willingly accept the extra benefits for no extra cost. Give them only what they are willing to pay for.

Sometimes You Need to Fire a Customer

When you find yourself in the situation where one customer is absorbing all of managements' time and attention, and they are not a profitable account, renegotiate or fire them. Pursue profitable accounts. Unless there is a sound reason why you are subsidizing that customer, then why work at a loss? In some cases a customer account absorbs a large portion of overhead, but even then work at breakeven.

Meticulously Manage Assets and Resources

Assets that are not actively being used to generate profit should be sold for cash. Why hold on to assets that are idle or have become expenses? Use the proceeds of sale to reinvest into your business to increase its profitability.

While resources of the human kind can't be sold, they can be furloughed. Carefully manage resources that are not billable to contracts. Increase percent billable.

Reduce inventory to the smallest amount possible to generate cash. Develop favorable relationships with vendors that allow you to receive product or services on consignment and pay them once that product is sold. Actively collect accounts receivable, and implement new credit terms to bring payments and retainers in more quickly. Bill frequently, collect often.

Make Sure Your Team Knows What Is Expected

Instill a sense of urgency throughout your business. Never allow a business atmosphere of complacency. This only leads to poor operations, lack of new business, and it will be overtaken by competitors. Promote excellence throughout your business, from the front desk to key executives.

Implement a clear set of expectations, so that your team has proper guidelines to follow. Communicate profit and sales goals, quotas, daily expected activity, and train them how to effectively communicate with prospects and existing customers.

Identify the key positions within your company that have contact with customers. Management, marketing and business development, customer support, all have a very important role. Retain customers by providing great customer service, or lose them when you don't perform. Stress understanding specific customer needs during the BID process to develop winning strategies, and increase win ratios.

Base Incentives on Profits Instead of Revenue

Link compensation to productivity for everyone in the company. Employees should only get paid for results when they produce, and not paid when they don't. Your employees will work harder, increase their work-ethic, and focus on the results that you strive for. For example; pay incentives for sales people based on gross margin instead of revenue, to drive the profit motivation.

Merge with or Acquire a Partner Company

Combining company operations can add complimentary skills and products. Utilize the best attributes of both organizations, and eliminate duplication. When you add revenue and related direct costs for operations you typically can run the combined entity without duplicate overhead. The overhead equivalent of one company is eliminated and the cost turns into increased profit. Part of a larger, more profitable pie is always better than struggling to cover costs.

Create an Advisory Board to Seek Expert Input from Outside Your Organization

People are very creative, particularly if properly motivated. Outside expert influence can bring a fresh perspective, and new ideas that you may not have thought of before. It is often difficult to separate your current vision for your business from what is actually going on. Don't be afraid to explore strengths and how they can be applied elsewhere to drive profits and cashflow. Don't be afraid to explore weaknesses and how they can be overcome and improved. Studies show increased profitability when advisors get involved.

You may want to interview key clients to get their input on new product and service offerings.

Drive your team to think in terms of profits, cashflow, expansion, and creativity. They will reward you with profitable activity. Be proactive.

Annapolis, MD




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Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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