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Craving Connection, Content and Community.
Carolyn Strauss  --Professional Emcee Onsite and Online, Sales and Persuasion Expert Carolyn Strauss --Professional Emcee Onsite and Online, Sales and Persuasion Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Denver, CO
Friday, July 16, 2021


For most of us, it’s been 18 months of isolation, separation and quarantine. The opportunity for groups to come together now is more precious and desirable than ever before. I just attended my first in person national conference in Las Vegas last week since this weirdness started, where 425 of my friends and colleagues got to be face to face, hug to hug and smile to smile. It was glorious.

I propose, that being denied something causes it to be even more sweet when it returns. So for meeting planners and team leaders, the key now is to create opportunities for groups to connect, and share their experiences, thier hopes, plans and dreams, and especially thier learnings over the past year with each other.

As a professional Emcee, my job is to highlight opportunities for people, meeting attendees to connect. Whether the space is onsite or online, whenever and however connection and collaboration is possible, my plan is to work with the organization to facilitate that connection.

If you are planning a meeting and would like some support in creating the space for meaningful connection to happen, please reach out and ask. Also the most important thing for your presenters and speakers is to create opportunities for connection to happen either during or after their programs.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Carolyn Strauss
Title: Professional Emcee and Keynote Speaker
Dateline: Denver, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-578-2362
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