Home > NewsRelease > Broadcast Interview Source, Inc. seeks public relations executive partners.
Broadcast Interview Source, Inc. seeks public relations executive partners.
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Sunday, March 1, 2020


There are two ways to make money.

1)   Be a public relations partner, write profiles and send news releases    You can bring in clients on spec, as you use the full system free of charge   You make 50% of your billing -- and you set your own prices -- for sending news releases and we comp you the full ExpertClick & News Release Wire system to use.  

2)   Earn a $100 annual royalty when you set up new member accounts and the member takes over the account and pays -- This is affiliate marketing on steroids for you've got two ways to win. Over 36 years in business, we've paid out tens of thousands of dollars in royalties, and they are residual meaning when the client renews in later years, you continue to get paid..... 

Easy to get started and the best part is you can offer either option to potential clients, and there are unlimited clients who are pre-qualified by sending news releases of paying for expert profiles on other sites.   You can set the account an send first release on spec, then either way you turn the converstaion for you can make money, either:  A) as you'll do the work for them and get paid, or B) They do the work and you earn the royalty for bringing them in.



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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