Home > NewsRelease > Branch 241 member Stephen Vozzella killed in Maine shootings
Branch 241 member Stephen Vozzella killed in Maine shootings
National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO) National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO)
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington, DC
Friday, October 27, 2023


Branch 241 member Stephen Vozzella killed in Maine shootings

NALC President Brian L. Renfroe’s statement on the murder of Stephen Vozzella

NALC is heartbroken to learn that Stephen Vozzella, a member of Branch 241, was a victim of the horrific shootings in Lewiston, ME on Wednesday.

Brother Vozzella was only 45 years old. He had much more life to live before it was stolen from him in an all-too-common senseless act of gun violence. Stephen was out enjoying a game of cornhole with friends on Wednesday evening.

On behalf of NALC, I send my deepest sympathies to Brother Vozzella’s family, friends and colleagues. We mourn the loss of Stephen and all the innocent victims of this tragedy. Our hearts are with Stephen’s loved ones, all of those affected and the entire town of Lewiston.

Any life lost to gun violence is one too many. The members of NALC and all Americans deserve to feel safe while on the job, spending time with their families and friends, and in their everyday lives. The epidemic of gun violence in this country must end. It is time for lawmakers to take action to protect Americans from the horrific incidents of gun violence that continue to traumatize communities and cause tragic loss of life across the country.

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Name: Philip Dine
Title: Director of Public Relations
Group: National Association of Letter Carriers(AFL-CIO)
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-662-2489
Main Phone: 202-393-4695
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