Thursday, March 5, 2020
Here's text with you link you can use. -- Thanks..
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Help the news media:
* Find You.
* Know Your Expertise.
* Know How To Reach You.
Three Key Benefits:
3) NewsReleaseWire -- Push technology for your news releases --- pushing your news out ten ways including Google News. Plus blog syndication to pull your posts and push syndicate.
-- PR Week called us: "dating service of PR."
2) ExpertClick Press Room designed for SEO with inbound links from tens of thousands of other member's press rooms and news releases - driving inbound links to your website.
-- USA Today called our website: "A Hot Site."
1) Be in the printed 36th Annual Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons:
-- The New York Times called it: "Dial-an-Expert."
Results member get - the deliverables:
* News media interviews. Journalists love the system for they know our experts have "skin in the game," welcome interviews, and respond to inquires.
* Pick up of your news releases by other sites, including Google News.
* Search Engine optimization - You get inbound links to your website from your postings. Many members have 100,000 plus page views.
*You'll be in good company - we screen very carefully who we let in and that ensures trust In the network.
* Badges and buttons. You can share links to your ExpertClick press room and Platform speaker bureau on your site - adding verification of your expertise.
* Testing ideas to get comments - Members validate the value of their ideas and concepts they are working by sharing as news releases and blog posts - and get response to fine-tune their ideas.
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Here's the discounted join link: