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2023 April Newsletter — The state of the world, and what’s being done about it.
Thomas H. Greco, Jr. -- Economist Thomas H. Greco, Jr. -- Economist
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Tucson, AZ
Friday, April 28, 2023


In this issue:

  • Private and complementary currency systems: purposes, principles, practices, and performance.
  • Peace or Empire?
  • Disturbing Thoughts (about the economy)

Private and complementary currency systems: purposes, principles, practices, and performance is now online.
            In October of last year (2022) I gave a remote presentation to the 6th Biennial RAMICS International Congress in Bulgaria. RAMICS is the Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems, which includes both academics and practitioners. In my illustrated presentation titled, Private and complementary currency systems: purposes, principles, practices, and performance, I provided a concise summary of key points and fundamental principles that need to be understood in order to transcend the dysfunctional and destructive political money system by decentralizing the control of credit and creating honest and effective, non-political exchange media. Here is an abstract of its contents.  
Through the generous assistance and editing work of Ken Richings, the presentation is now available for viewing on YouTube.
Peace or Empire?
            Dennis Kucinich at Rage Against the War Machine
At the February 19 anti-war rally in Washington, DC, former US Congressman Dennis Kucinich made an inspired call for peace, justice, compassion, and an end to corruption in government. I don’t believe that any reasonable person of good would disagree with his message. In a subsequent message, Can they ‘repeal’ the dead? Ask Orwell, Kucinich recounts the criminal invasion of Iraq by the US in 2003, the lies which were used to justify it, and its tremendous cost in material resources and lost lives. Another major consequence has been an erosion of trust in the US government both at home and abroad.
            Graham E. Fuller, in this recent post, outlines the Long Term Implications of the US destruction of Nordstream 2 Pipeline.
            The achievement of peace in the world requires mutual respect and good faith negotiations, but unfortunately, peace is not the goal of those who have for some time been in control the US government under administrations of both parties, rather, they are bent on achieving “full spectrum dominance” and have chosen to restart the Cold War in hopes of weakening Russia and forcing it into line with the agenda of the New World Order in which the Western powers control all the Earth’s resources. If you want to get a more accurate picture of what’s actually been going on in eastern Europe, pay attention to former Marine and UN nuclear weapons inspector, Scott Ritter starting with his post, Give peace a chance.
            Economist Michael Hudson adds his voice to the matter, arguing that Germany has become an economic satellite of America’s New Cold War with Russia, China and the rest of Eurasia.
            And to round out the story of why the world is now on the brink of an unprecedented catastrophe, listen to the ever insightful Noam Chomsky, still sharp and coherent at age 94, speak about Putin, Ukraine, China, and Nuclear War.
Disturbing Thoughts (about the economy)
            John Mauldin is “a visionary thinker, a noted financial expert, a New York Times best-selling author.”  I’ve been a subscriber to his Mauldin Economics newsletter for at least a couple years. This edition seems particularly important, especially the section titled, “We’re Going to Have a Crisis.”
Citing the recent bank failures and the government’s decision to insure even the uninsured depositors, Mauldin observes that deposits will inevitably be withdrawn from smaller banks and placed in banks that are considered “too big to fail.” He argues that a major change is needed but that, “Our political system is sadly not up to the task. The current structure is all we have, and it won’t improve until a crisis forces change.” He quite emphatically concludes that “…the situation demands changes. Which means—and I don’t say this lightly—we’re going to have a crisis which will give us that change.”
Mauldin continues with an analysis of the developing crisis, particularly with regard to small banks’ exposure to declining asset values in commercial real estate.  You can read the entire newsletter at Mauldin Economics.
            In April the Sonoran desert blooms, the fragrance of orange blossoms fills the air along with that of creosote bush, Palo Verde and a host of other plants. The winter chill has gone and the summer heat has not yet arrived. It is a particularly pleasant time to be here. I hope you are enjoying your home turf as much as I am mine.

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Name: Thomas H. Greco, Jr.
Title: Consultant
Dateline: Tucson, AZ United States
Cell Phone: 520-820-0575
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