Home > NewsRelease > REVEALED: Netflix Subscription Marketing Secret
REVEALED: Netflix Subscription Marketing Secret
Robert Skrob --  Subscription Membership Retention Expert Robert Skrob -- Subscription Membership Retention Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Tallahassee, FL
Monday, November 22, 2021


Netflix’s explosive subscriber growth continues with each new hit show. However, few subscription businesses emulate the Netflix marketing strategy. Several streaming services have great content. Netflix turns that content into new subscribers.

Most streaming services (and subscription brands) focus on discounts, trials, or other price hooks to attract new subscribers. Or they try to “stack-up” lots of benefits to lure in new customers, the so-called, “Value Build.” Too many of those offers get lost in the noise.

Instead, the smartest subscription businesses emulate the Netflix Subscription Marketing Secret. And, after you see it, it’ll be obvious for you to emulate the secret too.

This episode of Be Unleavable Subscription Growth reveals the Netflix Subscription Marketing Secret hidden in plain sight. We will break down several subscription marketing examples to illustrate how you can use this “secret” to make your subscription marketing more effective.

Watch Be Unleavable Subscription Growth here.

About Robert Skrob

The problem with subscription membership programs is that members quit, I fix that problem. For more than 20-years I have specialized in direct response marketing for member recruitment, retention and ascension in diverse subscription members environments including non-profit associations, for-profit publishers/coaching, subscriptions and SAAS companies. For an evaluation of your current churn rate and how I can improve it, contact me here. I discover there are often two or three quick wins you can implement within a week to lower churn immediately, let’s talk about your quick wins.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Robert Skrob
Title: President
Group: Membership Services, Inc.
Dateline: Tallahassee, FL United States
Direct Phone: 850-222-6000
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