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Monday Memo: The Pandemic Dividend
TALKERS Magazine --- Talk Radio Magazine TALKERS Magazine --- Talk Radio Magazine
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Springfield, MA
Monday, November 22, 2021


Monday Memo: The Pandemic Dividend

| November 22, 2021

By Holland Cooke

BLOCK ISLAND, RI — As our lives were upended, advertising rose to the occasion, relating-to-and offering solutions-for–challenges imposed by the shutdown, and enduring change in The New Normal. For instance…

“New movies, every week, only on Netflix.”
NFLX stock nearly doubled in two years.

“It used to be just Friday. Now, casual is every day.”
Men’s Wearhouse

“Getting help to re-open the economy safely.”
TV ad to re-elect U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), touting how he brought-home-the-bacon: “He made sure big states didn’t roll-over Rhode Island,” scoring “$1.2 billion for hospitals and protective gear and testing.” Remember: It’s only “pork” when the do-re-mi goes elsewhere.

“The safe way to pay.”
“The safe way for your customers to pay.”
Benefit statements for both parties in the transaction, in network radio spots for “Touch-free payments from PayPal.”

“Not sorry.”

TV ad for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, as Easter 2021 approached…and many felt like we’d just had a YEAR of Lent.

 “You’ve been home staring at your bad windows and doors.”

Renewal By Andersen, as home improvement activity surged during the shutdown

“Sometimes the greatest destinations aren’t far away.”

TV commercial depicting a happy people enjoying Wayfair.com’s array of home and patio goods

“The Patio Center at East Texas Brick, making your outdoor space your favorite place.”
By my client station KTBB

“Ready to explore again?”

Subject line in Email from Amtrak

“Cover your poker face.”

Mask-up reminder at Las Vegas airport

Emulate these models, and you hitch-hike on these advertisers’ investment testing and honing and testing and honing their messages. Said another way: “I’m a consultant. If you steal from me, you’ve stolen twice.”

For more examples, help yourself to my E-book “Spot-On: Commercial Copy Points That Earned The Benjamins.” It’s a FREE download — no login, no Email, no spam, no kidding — at HollandCooke.com.

Holland Cooke is also the author of the somewhat-more-original E-book “Multiply Your Podcast Subscribers, Without Buying Clicks.” It’s available exclusively from Talkers books (click the banner on this page). HC is a consultant working at the intersection of broadcasting and the Internet.  And he hosts “The Big Picture” TV show Friday nights at 7ET on RT America.  Follow him on Twitter @HollandCooke

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