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www.SearchEngineJuice.com or www.SearchEngineTornado.com -- Both Mean More Action For #SEO Pro's
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Friday, October 16, 2009

www.SearchEngineJuice.com or www.SearchEngineTornado.com -- Both Mean More Action For #SEO Pro's

SEO Pro's -- Call David Swain at (202) 333-5000 for a guest pass to use www.SearchEngineJuice.com or drop an e-mail to him at David@YearbookofExperts.com.

Organic results -- natural ranking -- come from the search algorithms based on three keys:

Recent, Relevant, Related

1) Recent: How often pages are updated, and new content that drives re-indexing.

2) Relevant: Keywords, URLs, tags.

3) Related: Linking from other pages that share your keywords and are newly updated.

SearchEngineJuice.com -- a product of ExpertClick.com -- gives you control of your search engine optimization:

= Recent -- Your news releases are instantly submitted to Google News. [See today's real-time updated links here: http://bit.ly/NewsReleaseWire-at-GoogleNews ]

= Relevant -- The most popular keywords in our topic sections are designed to cluster your topics for search engines to increase the silo effect needed to attract ranking. Instead of a piece of information, the search engines see a neighboorhood of information.

See our Expert Round-up on body language here: http://www.BodyLanguageExperts.com

and on social networking experts here: http://www.SocialNetworkingExperts.com

= Related -- You can choose up to 39 keywords to link to other profiles, and we suggest you link to our main topic taxomony page -- as well as to the profiles of other members who are actively sending news releases. You can include outbound text links to drive traffic directly to your home pages or sub-pages.

You get a daily click count telling you how well each news release does in the system.

Do you want to see how this works?

Here's a quick video on "Recent, Relevant and Related" -- and how the ExpertClick system brings you visitors.

Call David Swain at 202-333-5000, and we'll set up a guest account so that you can drive more web visitors to your site.

That's right: This site's name -- "Search Engine Juice" -- comes from the SEO phrase: "Google Juice."

Here's an April 2006 Washington Post story about "Google Juice":


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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