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e-mail feed to 8,660 Journalists - 10/23/12
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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*Turnaround consultant says Obama AND Romney are BOTH powerless when it comes to turning around this economy

-- See the news release at: http://www.newswiremailer.com/?42099

--- Mark Faust, author of Growth or Bust! Proven Turnaround Strategies to Grow Your Business, and who has been turning around companies since 1990 says that too many business leaders want to blame a politician for their fate. "This is surrendering your spot on the front lines of an economic war. It is akin to going AWOL during the height of a battle. The real heroes of our time will focus on turning around their own business and as result, raise the waters that will help all ships to rise in this time of economic crises" Faust also predicts that despite who is elected, a worse recession will hit in Q3 of 2013; "the best managed companies are building strategies right now that will not only brace themselves for the coming economic storm, but will cause them to capture more share than perhaps ever"

--- Call Mark Faust in Cincinnati, OH, direct at 513-621-8000 ext 1 -- e-mail him at: mark@em1990.com

Or reply to RadioTour@RadioTour.com with date and time, and we'll get you on his schedule.

*Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore Fight Over Money, Divorce Could Become Public

See the news release at: http://www.newswiremailer.com/?42088

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore have been separated for more than a year. Kutcher, 34 and Moore, 49 have had their lawyers attempt to settle the case. According the Radar Online, Kutcher does not want to part with a large sum of money over a divorce settlement, as he has been making more money than Moore recently. Kutcher is being paid $24 million per annum for his role in Two and a Half Men.

In California, spousal support generally is paid for ½ the length of the marriage, unless it is a marriage of long duration, where it is paid for more than ½ the length of the marriage. Moreover, community property is acquired by a married couple from the date of their marriage through separation. Therefore, if Kutcher has had more film projects during the past few years and has been able to save that money he has exposure to splitting half of those sums with Moore -- Moore's option is that if Kutcher is not willing to settle this matter on mutually amicable terms, she has the choice of bringing this matter to Court and letting a Judge decide.

--- Call Evan T. Sussman In Beverly Hills, CA direct at 310-288-1990 -- e-mail him at: evan@sussmanlawfirm.com Or reply to RadioTour@RadioTour.com with date and time, and we'll get you on his schedule.

*Long Term Care Insurance Expert Discusses Alzheimer's Life Expectancy


Some 5.4 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease, approximately two-thirds are women according to the Long Term Care Insurance Almanac. "Alzheimer's disease care costs Americans roughly $200 billion a year is the leading cause for the most expensive long term care insurance claims," declares Jesse Slome, executive director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. The leading industry expert was sharing planning information with insurance professionals in conjunction with the upcoming Long Term Care Awareness Month.

Call Jesse Sloan in Westlake Village, CA direct at: 818-597-3227 – e-mail him at: jslome@aaltci.org

Or reply to RadioTour@RadioTour.com with date and time, and we'll get you on his schedule.

*Create a Retirement Roadmap During National Save for Retirement Week


Everyone should take a few moments to review or create their Retirement Roadmap during National Save for Retirement Week, says Mark Singer CFP®. National Save for Retirement Week takes place from October 21–27, 2012

Call Mark Singer, CFP direct at: 781-599-5099, e-mail to: Mark@YourRetirementJourney.com

Or reply to RadioTour@RadioTour.com with date and time, and we'll get you on his schedule.

*MicroTech Named America's No. 1 8(a) Prime Contractor


The largest Hispanic-Owned IT Integrator in the U.S., MicroTech, was named for the fourth consecutive year as the No. 1 8(a) Prime Contractor serving the Federal Government on Washington Technology's annual listing of the Top 25 8(a) companies in the United States. Washington Technology touts itself as "the authoritative source of competitive intelligence for executives providing contract services to the government market." Their prestigious list ranks the most successful 8(a) small businesses according to an analysis of their federal procurement data from 2011.

Call Whitney Hiscock direct at: 703-891-1073 or by email to: WHiscock@microtech.net

Or reply to RadioTour@RadioTour.com with date and time, and we'll get you on his schedule.

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Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
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