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Your Actions Can Speak Louder Than Your Words
Eileen Hammel -  Smarter Image Eileen Hammel - Smarter Image
Philadelphia, PA
Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Your Actions Can Speak Louder Than Your Words

by Eileen Hammel 

Do you have a colleague whose presence automatically commands respect and attention, or know a friend who can attract the opposite sex just by entering a room? Did you ever marvel at a person who without saying a word can receive a prompt courteous refund when returning merchandise? The secret of their success is that they've discovered the power of body language. Non-verbal behavior is the most subconscious way people express themselves, every movement and gesture your body makes from how you move your head or eyes to where you place your hands or feet sends a message about you to others. Body language can  express a  person ' s feelings, thoughts or  emotions conveying how a person is truly feeling and exactly what they're thinking. It's a valuable window into a person's mind and heart demonstrating confidence, sexual attraction, anger, honesty, friendliness o r authority. You can take advantage of this powerful forum of communication by practicing these four simple techniques.

Become aware of the message that your body is sending out. Consciously focus on the movement of your body when interacting with other and the message your movements are send out.

Record a TV show.  View a scene without volume watch the characters body language and see if you can distinguish their personalities and what's happening in the scene. Rewatch the scene with volume and discover how body language was used to echo their verbal words.

Study the body language used by people whose success you admire and sees how they use body gestures to reinforce their positive thoughts and emotions.

Have a conversation with yourself regularly in front a mirror or record it with your cell phone. Remove any negative body movement you see with positive movement.Your Actions Can Speak Louder Than Your Words

by Eileen Hammel 

Do you have a colleague whose presence automatically commands respect and attention, or know a friend who can attract the opposite sex just by entering a room? Did you ever marvel at a person who without saying a word can receive a prompt courteous refund when returning merchandise? The secret of their success is that they've discovered the power of body language. Non-verbal behavior is the most subconscious way people express themselves, every movement and gesture your body makes from how you move your head or eyes to where you place your hands or feet sends a message about you to others. Body language can  express a  person ' s feelings, thoughts or  emotions conveying how a person is truly feeling and exactly what they're thinking. It's a valuable window into a person's mind and heart demonstrating confidence, sexual attraction, anger, honesty, friendliness o r authority. You can take advantage of this powerful forum of communication by practicing these four simple techniques.

Become aware of the message that your body is sending out. Consciously focus on the movement of your body when interacting with other and the message your movements are send out.

Record a TV show.  View a scene without volume watch the characters body language and see if you can distinguish their personalities and what's happening in the scene. Rewatch the scene with volume and discover how body language was used to echo their verbal words.

Study the body language used by people whose success you admire and sees how they use body gestures to reinforce their positive thoughts and emotions.

Have a conversation with yourself regularly in front a mirror or record it with your cell phone. Remove any negative body movement you see with positive movement.Your Actions Can Speak Louder Than Your Words

by Eileen Hammel 

Do you have a colleague whose presence automatically commands respect and attention, or know a friend who can attract the opposite sex just by entering a room? Did you ever marvel at a person who without saying a word can receive a prompt courteous refund when returning merchandise? The secret of their success is that they've discovered the power of body language. Non-verbal behavior is the most subconscious way people express themselves, every movement and gesture your body makes from how you move your head or eyes to where you place your hands or feet sends a message about you to others. Body language can  express a  person ' s feelings, thoughts or  emotions conveying how a person is truly feeling and exactly what they're thinking. It's a valuable window into a person's mind and heart demonstrating confidence, sexual attraction, anger, honesty, friendliness o r authority. You can take advantage of this powerful forum of communication by practicing these four simple techniques.

Become aware of the message that your body is sending out. Consciously focus on the movement of your body when interacting with other and the message your movements are send out.

Record a TV show.  View a scene without volume watch the characters body language and see if you can distinguish their personalities and what's happening in the scene. Rewatch the scene with volume and discover how body language was used to echo their verbal words.

Study the body language used by people whose success you admire and sees how they use body gestures to reinforce their positive thoughts and emotions.

Have a conversation with yourself regularly in front a mirror or record it with your cell phone. Remove any negative body movement you see with positive movement.Your Actions Can Speak Louder Than Your Words

by Eileen Hammel 

Do you have a colleague whose presence automatically commands respect and attention, or know a friend who can attract the opposite sex just by entering a room? Did you ever marvel at a person who without saying a word can receive a prompt courteous refund when returning merchandise? The secret of their success is that they've discovered the power of body language. Non-verbal behavior is the most subconscious way people express themselves, every movement and gesture your body makes from how you move your head or eyes to where you place your hands or feet sends a message about you to others. Body language can  express a  person ' s feelings, thoughts or  emotions conveying how a person is truly feeling and exactly what they're thinking. It's a valuable window into a person's mind and heart demonstrating confidence, sexual attraction, anger, honesty, friendliness o r authority. You can take advantage of this powerful forum of communication by practicing these four simple techniques.

Become aware of the message that your body is sending out. Consciously focus on the movement of your body when interacting with other and the message your movements are send out.

Record a TV show.  View a scene without volume watch the characters body language and see if you can distinguish their personalities and what's happening in the scene. Rewatch the scene with volume and discover how body language was used to echo their verbal words.

Study the body language used by people whose success you admire and sees how they use body gestures to reinforce their positive thoughts and emotions.

Have a conversation with yourself regularly in front a mirror or record it with your cell phone. Remove any negative body movement you see with positive movement.Your Actions Can Speak Louder Than Your Words

by Eileen Hammel 

Do you have a colleague whose presence automatically commands respect and attention, or know a friend who can attract the opposite sex just by entering a room? Did you ever marvel at a person who without saying a word can receive a prompt courteous refund when returning merchandise? The secret of their success is that they've discovered the power of body language. Non-verbal behavior is the most subconscious way people express themselves, every movement and gesture your body makes from how you move your head or eyes to where you place your hands or feet sends a message about you to others. Body language can  express a  person ' s feelings, thoughts or  emotions conveying how a person is truly feeling and exactly what they're thinking. It's a valuable window into a person's mind and heart demonstrating confidence, sexual attraction, anger, honesty, friendliness o r authority. You can take advantage of this powerful forum of communication by practicing these four simple techniques.

Become aware of the message that your body is sending out. Consciously focus on the movement of your body when interacting with other and the message your movements are send out.

Record a TV show.  View a scene without volume watch the characters body language and see if you can distinguish their personalities and what's happening in the scene. Rewatch the scene with volume and discover how body language was used to echo their verbal words.

Study the body language used by people whose success you admire and sees how they use body gestures to reinforce their positive thoughts and emotions.

Have a conversation with yourself regularly in front a mirror or record it with your cell phone. Remove any negative body movement you see with positive movement.

Eileen Hammel is President and Master Consultant at Smart Image a leader in the Image Industry and Nonverbal Communication Field. Eileen is recognized as a National and International Image, Makeover and Nonverbal Communication Expert. SI@smarterimageglobal.com

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Name: Eileen Hammel
Dateline: Philadelphia, PA United States
Direct Phone: 484 - 416 - 5453
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