Home > NewsRelease > You Have a New Job. Here’s What to Put On Your LinkedIn Profile
You Have a New Job. Here’s What to Put On Your LinkedIn Profile
Vision Board Media, LLC Vision Board Media, LLC
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Newtown, PA
Wednesday, February 21, 2018


New Job? No Accomplishments? Here's what to put on your LinkedIn profile.


Would appreciate if you can provide your advice on the following situation.

I took a new position and do not have any measurable successes yet. Without successes, what do I put on my LinkedIn profile’s experience section?

Thanks, -P

Hi P!

When talking about a powerful LinkedIn profile, stating strong, impressive accomplishments is important. However, when you take a new position, you will not have any successes… and that is totally normal.

So what do you put on your LinkedIn profile?

New Job but No Accomplishments

First, summarize the company with a boilerplate description. Just a sentence or two to provide context as to the company’s products and services, clients, industry, revenue numbers, locations, etc…

Second, define your role and responsibilities. What is your job title? What do you do? How many people do you manage? Who are your customers? Who do you report to?

Third, go deep. How does this position assist you in carrying out your career mission? Why did you take the job? What attracted you to it? How does it allow you to help others? What is it that you do that impacts others? You might even consider stating something like, “I am honored to be working with such a terrific company and look forward to affecting positive change!”

Lastly, as you mature into your position and start making inroads, keep track of all your accomplishments — large and small. By keeping a journal of your successes, when it’s time to update your profile and resume, it’s a breeze!

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Name: Donna Serdula
Title: Founder, Owner
Group: Vision Board Media, LLC
Dateline: Newtown, PA United States
Direct Phone: 215-839-0008
Main Phone: 215-839-3434
Cell Phone: 215-796-1599
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