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Writing and Sending Your News Releases at News Release Wire
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Sunday, March 29, 2020

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Writing and Sending Your News Release

             THE BASICS:        

Part 1: Editorial

 Write your release in a crisp, clear style

¦ Your writing should begin with the fundamental basics of good journalism: who, what, when, where, why or how.

¦ Try to lead the first paragraph with a strong quote from one of the persons involved with the story.

¦ Write short sentences. Figure that your release should be five or six brief paragraphs.

¦ Take note of any recent news or news story that involves your expertise and enterprise. By using a news peg – as editors call it – you connect your release to the mix of stories being read concerning that recent news or event.

¦ While you write, refer to the Associated Press Stylebook and to "The Elements of Style."

 ¦ Always use a dateline -- the city and state of the release -- and have at the bottom of the release the same city and state.  (An address is not needed.)

¦ Identify each person with full name and title. Lower case titles – unless clearly a proper noun. (Note that upon second reference, in news stories, it is often "the president" or "the pope"; not capital Ps.) And upon reference, simply write the last name of the person without an honorific (Mr., Mrs., Miss).

¦ Remember that the release should not be about you first; it should be "news-you-can-use" of practical and immediate value and information to the editor or producer – for the reader or the viewer. It should be something where the average reader can learn a new fact. Explain what you do simply; assume that the reader does not know your industry very well.

¦ Review your previous news releases and others' releases in the system.


Part 2: Technical

Send your release via NewsReleaseWire.com [ExpertClick.com]

¦ Limit your headline to between 50 and 62 characters, including spaces. This allows your keywords to be part of the search display.

¦ Always enter at least 300 words of text in the news release.

¦ When entering the copy onto the release form, make sure you have converted your text to plain text – to ensure you do not enter corrupted code.

¦ Always include a graphic (square is best). You can also link to a video. In fact, you can also link to your book title. (However, this graphic step in the process is not required.)

¦ Be sure to include the appropriate links to the story; your contact info is auto populated by the News Release Wire system.

¦ Link to several of your subpages within your web- site.

¦ Provide an opt-in box for readers to receive a regular e-mail from you.


Part 3: Include Links, Other Media

Examples of features that make your news releases go further

Check the following releases to learn about using HTML, e-mail opt-in, video, PDF hosting, pinning of outside content, membership icons to make your releases work harder for you:

¦ Ed Poll's news release with his HTML e-newsletter www.NewsReleaseWire.com/31911

¦ Kevin Savetz's release with an email opt-in box – helps build his list:  www.NewsReleaseWire.com/229483

¦ Release that displays YouTube videos of a Mitchell Davis speech ("Speak, Train, Coach or Consult") www.NewsReleaseWire.com/30926

¦ Release with an Adobe PDF from the web www.NewsReleaseWire.com/229588

¦ How to send video news releases at www.NewsClick.com and admin tour: www.WebHandbook.com

¦ Release Pinning a web site where the news is http://www.newsreleasewire.com/194567






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