Home > NewsRelease > Who qualifies as a 'Journalist?' ExpertClck.com has the solution.
Who qualifies as a 'Journalist?' ExpertClck.com has the solution.
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Who qualifies as a "Journalist?"    ExpertClck.com has the solution.
See below for information we have about your group.
Faced with needing a solution to the quandary of who qualifies as a journalist -- for we get lots of requests to register as a journalist at our expert referral website: www.ExpertClick.com or attend our events as journalists, so we came up with what we thinking you will agree is an elegant solution.
A  journalist is someone who:
1)   Has published work with a byline -- either on the web or provided as a PDF for a print article.
2)   Is a member of an established group of journalists, i.e. accepted as a member, and the group can verify that person is a member.
Therefore we needed a database of groups formed by journalists.
Is the information on your group accurate?
Here's what we have:
SPJ: Society of Professional Journalists







Joe Skeel

Executive Director j


3909 N. Meridian St.

Indianapolis IN 46208 USA


SPJ has an ExpertClick press room -- see it here: https://www.expertclick.com/19-533

Please reply to update.
We offer several benefits to journalist organizations.
1)  Journalist groups may have a press room and send news releases as the SPJ does.
See the SPJ press room here:
Your group or spokesperson can register as an expert at: -
-and send news releases.
2)  Your jounalist members can register as  journalists at ExpertClick free of charge, and ask public questions or directly contact our experts
Here's the join page for journalists.
3)  Your group can earn $100 in our affiliate program when experts join for paid profiles. 
--- -and we pay an annual ongoing royalty, so many referral partners  have decades of revenue.
Here's your affiliate link 
Any questions;
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Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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