Tuesday, November 19, 2019
What should I tell my participants why they should join/pay for ExpertClick? What are the specific benefits? You've listed the features…thank you.
Sample benefits: get your press release distributed to X platforms in Y time; respected platform reporters and editors use to source expert voices;
ExpertClick, News Release Wire & ExpertBook features and benefits:
- Four membership levels.
- Four ranking levels.
- four reasons for content marketing,
- Six Ways to Send a News Release.
The four membership levels.
- Free with two monthly news releases.
- Paid Classic with unlimited news releases and ExpertBook profile.
- Paid Full page in the Expertbook, unlimited news release that are featured at top of results.
- Paid Curator who earns royalty, where you get a Curator banner and can invite new members to join on your primacy topic.
The four ranking levels:
- Subscriber
- Member
- Fan
- Influencer
The four reasons to push content.
- As a news release about you and what you are doing.
- As an onboarding tool to push content to social media: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook.
- As a question in the headline and answer in the text as many people search on questions – you great SEO as people use question to search, but as they don't know your solutions can't search on them.
- As a nomination of a new expert, as a recommendation – and if they join and upgrade you earn a $100 royalty.
The six ways to send a news release, either a www.ExpertClick.com with full features or www.NewsClick.com where news release may be sent with 7 keystrokes.
- As text
- As a screen shot, with a headline you enter.
- As PDF, where you load the PDF.
- As a hosted Tweet, where you enter the headline and the Twitter Embed code.
- As a video news release where you enter a headline and embed a YouTube video.
Four ways to be shown higher in the topic results when searched. You earn Advantage Club points when you:
- Send news releases.
- Upgrade to paid as paid members are shown above free members.
- Complete our "Onboarding benchmarks" questionnaire and complete the Expert Score survey – you earn your Verified Expert badge when you pass the test.
- Nominate new experts.
I'll soon have two videos:
- An into video to introduce the system for those considering joining.
- A comprehensive onboarding with all the "how-to" info.