Home > NewsRelease > What should I tell my participants why they should join/pay for ExpertClick? What are the specific benefits?
What should I tell my participants why they should join/pay for ExpertClick? What are the specific benefits?
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Tuesday, November 19, 2019


What should I tell my participants why they should join/pay for ExpertClick? What are the specific benefits? You've listed the features…thank you.


Sample benefits: get your press release distributed to X platforms in Y time; respected platform reporters and editors use to source expert voices;


ExpertClick, News Release Wire & ExpertBook features and benefits:

  • Four membership levels.
  • Four ranking levels. 
  • four reasons for content marketing,
  • Six Ways to Send a News Release.

The four membership levels.

  1. Free with two monthly news releases.
  2. Paid Classic with unlimited news releases and ExpertBook profile.
  3. Paid Full page in the Expertbook, unlimited news release that are featured at top of results.
  4. Paid Curator who earns royalty, where you get a Curator banner and can invite new members to join on your primacy topic.

The four ranking levels:

  1. Subscriber
  2. Member
  3. Fan
  4. Influencer

The four reasons to push content.

  1. As a news release about you and what you are doing.
  2. As an onboarding tool to push content to social media: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook.
  3. As a question in the headline and answer in the text as many people search on questions – you great SEO as people use question to search, but as they don't know your solutions can't search on them. 
  4. As a nomination of a new expert, as a recommendation – and if they join and upgrade you earn a $100 royalty.

The six ways to send a news release, either a www.ExpertClick.com with full features or www.NewsClick.com where news release may be sent with 7 keystrokes.

  1. As text
  2. As HTML
  3. As a screen shot, with a headline you enter.
  4. As PDF, where you load the PDF.
  5. As a hosted Tweet, where you enter the headline and the Twitter Embed code.
  6. As a video news release where you enter a headline and embed a YouTube video.


Four ways to be shown higher in the topic results when searched.   You earn Advantage Club points when you:

  1. Send news releases.
  2. Upgrade to paid as paid members are shown above free members.
  3. Complete our "Onboarding benchmarks" questionnaire and complete the Expert Score survey – you earn your Verified Expert badge when you pass the test.
  4. Nominate new experts.

I'll soon have two videos:

  1. An into video to introduce the system for those considering joining.
  2. A comprehensive onboarding with all the "how-to" info.




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Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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