Monday, September 19, 2011
What do you consider to be a speaker bureau?
1) Ten or more speakers offered?. (Congregation.)
2) A place that will seek out a speaker they don't have? (Referral)
3) A place that takes commissions? (Financial model)
4) A web site that offers a variety (Cornucopia.)
5) Speakers listed without a fee. (not a paid site or association.)
6) Clear unique ownership (Not a duplicate search engine spam site, entity offering multiple bureaus)
7) Accepted as a member of the ISAB (Industry acceptance.)
8) Public ownership of the domain, in the name the bureau. (Clear ownership.)
9) Street address on the web site and a local business phone number. (Boots on the ground.)
10) Staff Directory by name and title on the site.
11) Phone number clearly related with bureau and not other entity.