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Weather Prompts Increased Tourism
Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP --  The Herman Group Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
Austin, TX
Wednesday, August 23, 2017


The Herman Trend Alert

August 23, 2017

Weather Prompts Increased Tourism

Nobody likes to be stuck in the rain for weeks at a time. So, not surprisingly, an extended period of rainy weather across the United Kingdom has stimulated a surge in bookings for overseas trips. According to TUI, formerly Thomsen, one of the largest travel agencies in the UK, heavy rain and unseasonal August weather has prompted travelers to look for sunnier destinations.

Shorter breaks most popular

Interestingly, shorter breaks of three or four nights are up 150 percent. Short breaks allow travelers to enjoy a brief reprieve from the weather and normal activities, before they return to their normal lives. Recent research released by the UK Office of National Statistics also reports that more and more people are opting to take shorter breaks.

Seeking sunshine and warmth 

The most popular destination is a group of islands known as The Balearics, located in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Spain, almost due South of the UK. While the UK is having continuous rain, the forecast for the Spanish islands is persistent sunshine and temperatures in the low to middle 80s (Fahrenheit).

Southern Europe and other islands also doing well

In addition to The Balearics, searches have risen 22 percent overall and particularly to Ibiza, Barcelona, Alicante, Faro, and Tenerife---all sunny beautiful tourist destinations. Moreover, Southern Europe is performing very well, with bookings up 39 percent over the same time in 2016.

Holiday home bookings up, too

The holiday homes site Novasol over the past two weeks said its bookings were up 26 percent over the same period last year. Sales of last-minute holidays, booked within the last two weeks with departures in the next four to six weeks, are up 15 percent year over year.

Last-minute bookings on the rise

More and more travelers everywhere are booking at the last minute, because they can. And sometimes, they will even find a travel bargain that was not available earlier. Called "the lates market" in the UK, we expect this last-minute travel booking to become even more commonplace.

The role of weather 

With the forecast of increasing storms and floods worldwide, due to a changing climate, expect to see increases in last-minute travel and tourism across the globe. Finally, there will also be changes in where people will choose to vacation, as the band of warm weather continues northward. Who knows? One day soon, we may be talking about vacationing in Russia's Siberia or Canada's Nunavut?

Special thanks to TravelMole.com for their coverage of this phenomenon.


The Herman Group is a firm of Strategic Business Futurists concentrating on workforce and workplace issues. We forecast the future and advise clients regarding relevant trends and how those trends may affect their lives. Applying our expertise as Certified Management Consultants, we advise corporate leaders regarding employee retention and organizational development to help them build workforce stability. We help organizations become Employers of Choice®. We also work with Employer of Choice, Inc. to formally recognize employers that meet the stringent standards dictated by the labor marketplace. As authors of management books and as active professional speakers, we inform and inspire people to make a positive difference in the world of work.

You did really get the ball rolling with our retention presentation, overall we have seen a move in the right direction with our turnover. 

In practice since 1980, we have served a wide variety of clients throughout the United States and in other countries. Our global affiliates assist us in sharing our expertise and advice with clients internationally. Our team of professional consultants and trainers is supported by an administrative staff that gets things done. We also have consultants certified to deliver our programs in your local area.

Delivering to both small and large groups across 100 industries, The Herman Group has provided over 2,500 educational and informative keynote speeches and training seminars worldwide.

Based in Greensboro, North Carolina, we travel extensively to meet the needs of our clients. We can always be reached through the support team in our office at (800) 227-3566. Overseas callers may reach us through 336-210-3547.

Should you have any questions after touring our website, please call or e-mail us at info@hermangroup.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP
Title: Certified Speaking Professional and Management Consultant
Group: The Herman Group
Dateline: Austin, TX United States
Direct Phone: 336-210-3548
Main Phone: 800-227-3566
Cell Phone: 336-210-3548
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