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Water Damage - Mold- Hurricane Sandy - Saving Collectibles, Heirlooms, Sports Memorabilia – Discover 5 Survival Tips!

Converging Storms - Frankenstorm - Hurricane Sandy
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Flood waters from Hurricane Sandy and "the Frankenstorm" are still swirling and water damage in homes and offices is eminent as you read this. The East Coast is flooding along most of the length according to the U.S. Department of the Interior/ U.S. Geological Survey http://water.usgs.gov/floods/events/2012/sandy/index.php

When you are confronted with Superstorm Sandy water damage to your treasured family documents, family bible, collectibles, cherished old books, artwork, and other memorabilia and valuables consider calling for professional help from art conservators. "I got a call recently from an office manager that had four inches of water in the office… piles of valuable office décor, framed items and company memorabilia had gotten wet. Timing was critical for getting the things dried out," said Scott M. Haskins, author of How To Save your Stuff From A Disaster" and Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Expert, "in order to not let mold take over."

Here are 3 very important Tips to follow:

1. Handle wet paper items with a wet strength paper towl to help you (make a sling) like "Bounty."

2. Use LOTS of paper towels to put between wet items.

3. Get the items away from the wetness!

4. Drying out wet items means getting the air moving with fans and…

5. Do NOT turn up the heat! It will accelerate the mold growth.

Flood relief community volunteer Matt Steward reported from a flood location, ""When we got there to help people, all we were asked to do is look for people's memorabilia floating in the water."

Matt's story was resoundingly confirmed by a posse of 1st Responders at a hurricane conference in New Orleans that I was speaking at: "After people and pets are safe, the overwhelming most often asked question is about finding and saving people's stuff!"

That's right… after everyone is safe and accounted for, the biggest reason people mourn after a disaster is for the lost of memories, things that can't be paid for by insurance: personal keepsakes and beloved memorabilia.

For those in the path of the storm, the horse is already out of the barn, referring to pre-damage preparation. As you read this, millions of Americans are cleaning up and searching for cherished items of family memories and business assets that have been damaged and seem ruined. The question — "What to do now?" — has an answer: FOLLOW THESE TIPS!

These tips and MUCH more can be discovered in Scott M. Haskins' book, How To Save Your Stuff From A Disaster. CLICK
 HERE for immediate download: http://www.freehurricaneinfo.org/productssupplies/

Questions about art and antique appraisals? Call Richard at (805) 895-5121

Questions about working with an insurance art and contents claim? Call us toll free at 888-704-7757

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Name: Scott M. Haskins
Title: Author, Art Conservation/Restoration, Pets and Heirlooms, Art Damage, Expert Witness
Group: www.fineartconservationlab.com
Dateline: Santa Barbara, CA United States
Direct Phone: 805-564-3438
Cell Phone: 805 570 4140
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