Twenty-two ways you can generate more responses
Secrets to ensure more traction and results.
1. Connect with other experts on your topics or theirs. Because ExpertClick allows you to connect to other members, you
can link through topics that are similar or related to yours. This gives you and other members a chance to connect with
each other, complimenting each other. One-word topics connect better. We set your topics as Meta tags on your press
room page and news releases.
2. Complete or update your profile. Your text is what Google reads. Your "book text" is used for the printed Yearbook of
Experts, and set as meta-text for search optimization.
3. Add a keyword descriptor like "Marketing Expert" to your participant name. Your Participant Name is set as your "title
tag." By including a descriptor, you get two benefits – a) Your page can be indexed by Google better, and b) when
viewers see your page, they can better understand what you do.
4. Include photos in your profile – we show them on our front page. ExpertClick is about Experts, not logos and business
names. Experts who show a photo in the first image place benefit two ways: a) viewers know who they are going to
contact and b) your photo is included on the ExpertClick front page when you send news releases.
5. Load a square photo – you can get better pick up at Google News and Google Images. We see news releases with
square photos are more likely to have their photos picked up by Google News.
Secrets that drive traffic to your News Releases and your Web site
6. Issue news releases on a regular basis, particularly when you can respond to something in today's news. Your news
releases are archived and link to each other. Someone interested in your release sees other releases you've issued which
creates a bigger foot print for you.
7. Connect your news releases to Twitter and Facebook. Here's a link to a PDF that shows how to connect – Friends and associates on both social networks may re-tweet or copy your
release onto their page, thus expanding your reach.
8. Add your News Release Wire badge to your Web site. You can see how to pick up a badge from the Manage News
Releases area at the bottom. You can see both on Nina Amir's Web site here:
9 Include your email opt-in in your news releases. Simply include your HTML code in your news releases and a call to
action so your release does double duty. Here's an example from Greg Womack:
10. Include your Web site URL as a link in your News Release to drive traffic to your site. You get a short code" URL as
shown above that you can share or tweet with others.
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Twenty-two ways you can generate more responses from
Page Two.
11. Send text, HTML, PDF or Link news releases. You have three choices to send news releases: Basic text is best so
journalists can quickly and easily cut and paste. Html can be used if you want to create a "look." For complicated
documents, you can load PDF's that maintain the exact format of your material. And if the content is elsewhere – like on
your site - you can link from all three. Just enter a headline and link in your release.
12. Use your RSS feed to connect your News Releases to your social media, and to allow journalists to follow you. The
link behind your RSS button is portable and can be placed on your site.
Secrets to increasing your ranking - so you get seen first
13. Upgrade your ExpertClick membership so you rank above others in search results. Paid members are shown above
free members.
14. Renew to gain rank. Members who are about to expire are shown below renewed members.
15. Extend your membership to gain points, for members get extra ranking points every time they renew a paid
membership, thus show up higher in search results.
16. Place a banner ad at the top of results on your topics. This can be done on our ExpertClick system on your topics to
get top ranking; Here's a link to video that explains how they appear: Here's a link with samples and how to order:
Secrets to ensure your receives more exposure
17. Create and update your profile instantly and frequently. You can even log in with your Facebook account.
18. Get links from our site to your site. Daybook is unique different site than ExpertClick so you can generate more links
from unique places.
19. Create a calendar of your events at so journalists will know where you will be and what you will be
doing. You can invite them to attend your function if it is open to the media.
20. Have others connect to your calendar to build inbound links. Share you Daybook events so others can join.
Secrets to increase your profile and response
21. Get paid per minute when you speak, train, coach or consult over the web. As an ExpertClick member, you are part
of our Speaker Bureau so people looking for a speaker can find you. Click on "consultants needed" in the bottom tool bar
to create a profile.
22. Share your speaking schedule. You can create an on-line schedule and have regular times you are available.
ExpertClick®, SpeakerBank®, InterviewNet®, and Yearbook of Experts®, MinutePage® are US Registered Trademarks of
Broadcast Interview Source, Inc. Washington, D.C. Phone: (202) 333-5000 Feb 15, 2011