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True Love Is Hard To Find: True or False?
Amy Schoen, MBA, CPCC -- Dating and Relationship Expert Amy Schoen, MBA, CPCC -- Dating and Relationship Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington, DC
Thursday, June 9, 2022


Can you imagine living without a loving partner in your life? Most of us take for granted the love of family, dear friends, and even companion animals. Their love gives purpose, stability, and vitality to our lives. But then there’s the love we can’t just take for granted. The romantic, intimate, “forever” kind. The kind that leaves many to believe that true love is hard to find.

Group of singles talking about whether true love is hard to find.

What do you believe about finding true love?

Do you and your single friends bemoan the seemingly endless search for “the one”?

Do you go into the dating world with pessimism or a chip on your shoulder?

If you’re single and searching for love, I’m sure you feel the futility of it all. Swiping left, swiping right, glamming up for singles’ events, and still planning your life “alone.”

You may even doubt your own ability to “know” when you meet the love of your life.

Who could blame that nagging, Debbie Downer voice in the back of your head that keeps saying, “True love is hard to find”?

I’m not here to negate your personal experiences or jaded perspective on dating. 

However, I’d like to help you have a more positive spin on your search-for-love efforts.

You’ve seen your friends meet great people and fall in love. Why not you?

You’re smart, accomplished, attractive, and involved in a lot of cool activities. You deserve love as much as the next man or woman.

And yet, right now, things may look bleak.

Know that many of my clients have been where you are. 

They’ve dragged themselves reluctantly into coaching, convinced that true love is hard to find and they’re somehow earmarked for a life of singlehood. 

The one thing they all have done is hold onto hope.

I invite you to do the same.

Instead of telling yourself that you’re somehow flawed or unlovable, create a “couple vision” for the relationship you’d like to have. 

What do you admire most about the relationships of your friends and family members?

What would you want to have in a relationship for yourself?

Next, describe the kind of man or woman you want to meet. 

Focus on qualities and values over physical characteristics.

Stay away from people who aren’t supportive of you or who have a negative view of dating. Misery likes company, and these people will bring you down.

(Consider also how you may be driving potential partners away with your own negative view of dating. All the more reason to turn your dating approach around to the positive and hopeful!)

Brainstorm all the ways you can meet someone. (If you need help, the Motivated To Marry Dating Secrets coaching program has tons of ideas.) 

Then prioritize the ones you’re excited to try or the ones you’re most confident will lead you to other serious, marriage-minded people.

Yes, it may seem as though true love is hard to find. But I truly believe there is someone for everyone. 

You may need to shift or refine how you’re going about finding that person. 

That doesn’t mean you have to settle. It simply means you may need to open your mind to approaches you haven’t yet considered.

Many times, there are roadblocks that get in my clients’ way. They become so accustomed to traveling the same road every day that they lose their peripheral awareness of other routes to the same destination.

My job is to help them see all the possibilities on their road to finding true love. After all, sometimes the most scenic roads are also the most unexpected.

And eventually my clients do meet their true loves!

If you’re stuck in the belief that true love is hard to find, you’re not alone. But you don’t have to do the search alone!

I have a community of seriously seeking singles that support one another, and you have a welcome seat waiting at the table.

Let’s explore how to make the search for true love easier for you, once and for all!

The journey starts with a Meet Your Mate This Year Strategy Session. 

Visit https://motivatedtomarry.com/connect-with-coach-amy/ and fill out my “Get to Know You” form, then schedule a time for us to talk.

So, back to my original question: True love is hard to find: true or false?

Personally, I choose “false.” It doesn’t have to be hard to find!

And there’s a community of Motivated To Marry singles enthusiastically seeking love too!

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Amy Schoen, MBA, CPCC
Group: HeartMmind Connection
Dateline: Rockville, MD United States
Direct Phone: 240-498-7803
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