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Travelling with a Pet? -- Events seeking Speakers -- COVID The Disrupter
News Release Wire News Release Wire
Washington, DC
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Travelling with a Pet? -- Events seeking Speakers -- COVID The Disrupter

Travelling with a Pet? -- Events seeking Speakers -- COVID The Disrupter

Book these guests direct – contact info shown.

…or for full service booking email Mitch Davis at: ExpertClick@Gmail.com or call (202) 333-5000 with guest wanted & show time, and we'll do the booking for you.

# 1 – Travelling with a pet?

# 2 – Events seeking speakers. Twitter.com/SpeakerLeads

# 3 - COVID The Disrupter for SMEs to Leverage for Growth

# 4 – Listen to Bob Reuchlein on KSCO talking politics & history # 5 – Deadline for 2021 Yearbook of Experts(R) -- with Free Use of NewsReleaseWire.com is January 31, 2021

# 6 - Miss Last week's feed? Fake Hate Crimes – Slowing Down Covid-19 -- Philanthropy Pitfalls

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# 1 – Travelling with a pet?

Protecting your pet is not only about the care of your pet. The pet can be a distraction while you are driving, causing a more serious situation than it would be otherwise, which often involves children. Also, besides experiencing whiplash, the driver would be hit with the pet which has become a projectile.

According to the National Safety Council, If a car crashes at a speed of 25mph, an airborne dog or cat can develop projectile forces equaling 40 times its weight. For example, a German Shepherd weighing 75 lbs can impact with a force of 3000 lbs. This is enough force to be lethal for a driver or passenger and in the least, cause great damage as the pet is thrown through the cabin and, sometimes, out the front windshield.

Scott Haskiins

Los Angeles

805-570-4140 Cell



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# 2 – Events seeking speakers. Twitter.com/SpeakerLeads

The International Platform Association shares Speaker Leads shares events seeking speakers:

1) A free monthly feed to those who subscribe to his News Release Wire feed -- anyone can opt-in free at: Opt-in at www.GetNewsReleases.com 2) Mr. Davis personally sends appropriate events to his members on a one-to-one basis when the event is "just-right" for that expert. For instance he sent this notice to his experts on public relations: https://upraisepr.com/20-pr-conferences-speaker-deadlines-2020/ 3) He invites his members to follow at https://twitter.com/SpeakerLeads where he posts new events when he finds them. ….and he always welcomes the sharing of these events by others when www.Speakerleads.com is shared as the source.

Mitchell Davis

Washington, DC


202) 333-5000


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# 3 - COVID The Disrupter for SMEs to Leverage for Growth

At the current time, there is an unprecedented opportunity for SMEs to position themselves as experts in their field and to partner with customers. It is a defining moment when you can reposition your enterprise in the minds of customers and their executive team. Highlight your strengths that will make your customer better. SME's typically have all the necessary ingredients to capture moments like these because of: Low overhead structure. Depth and breadth of the leadership team. Deep technological knowledge. Intellectual property and trade secrets. Rapid problem resolution. Swift ramping up of production and transition to different products. Quick decision making. Rapid staffing and training of the workforce. Less corporate bureaucracy.

Art Koch

Miami, FL

Cell: 336-260-9441



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# 4 – Listen to Bob Reuchlein on KSCO talking politics & history

Dr. Bob Reuschlein on KSCO, Santa Cruz with Host Alex Darnell Talking 2020 Election r. Bob Reuschlein's futuristic nine fields of interdisciplinary talent in math, science, engineering, wargaming, politics, business, academics, peace economics, and climate science amaze audiences with his many insights. His prediction models have the potential to transform macroeconomic theory tenfold and also improve global warming theory tenfold.His techniques combine rare basic research and engineering/accounting accuracy with business and political astuteness. Bob crushed Gary Gygax in their only direct wargame before he went on to invent Dungeons and Dragons in 1974. Bob later held several political party positions in the state of Oregon: state executive committee, national convention delegate, and was on the 1984 electoral college slate. He graduated from the U.S. third ranked electrical engineering program joining four honor societies. Bob has been listed in various Who's Who five decades. Books: Peace Economics, Strength Through Peace, Real Economy, 25th Anniversary video of Peace Economics with booklet in 2010. Unlike the baffled IPCC climate experts he can explain the fifteen year slowing in global warming 1998-2013 and predicts it will accelerate after 2025. Go to the website www.realeconomy.com for details and links to academia.edu and wordpress.com.Bob's done countless radio and television interviews and has written monthly columns and commentaries for decades. His background is multi-decades long in politics and business, technical in engineering and accounting. Topics: leadership, innovation; investments; economics; war; climate; politics; history; empires; 54 year cycle; managed 11 retail stores; ethanol; and super fund.


Book Bob for your show.




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# 5 – Deadline for 2021 Yearbook of Experts(R) -- with Free Use of NewsReleaseWire.com is January 31, 2021

Deadline for 2021 Yearbook of Experts(R) -- with Free Use of NewsReleaseWire.com is January 31, 2021

Claim your press room today! Save 15% when you join at http://www.expertclick.com/discount/News_Release_Wire

Ensure the news media finds you and that you are found in Google search:

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A majority of the listed experts are renewal customers with success. Here's what they say:

"The Wall Street Journal quoted me...their story about my marketing boot camp resulted in speaking offers" -- Arnold Sanow, Professional Speaker

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Members benefit and get results three ways:

** News media interviews including ABC News Nightline, Today Show, Wall Street Journal and many more.

** They learn about speaking engagements seeking speakers because Mr. Davis shares at www.SpeakerLeads.com.

** Search engine optimization and inbound links to member web sites, many members have had hundreds of thousands of page views on their news releases.

You'll be in good company:

See who you know when you search on your topics at www.ExpertClick.com.

Claim your press room today! Save 15% when you join at:


For personal assistance or questions? Call Mitchell Davis (202) 333-5000 rings on his desk

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# 6 – Miss Last week's feed? Fake Hate Crimes – Slowing Down Covid-19 -- Philanthropy Pitfalls


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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