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Three news releases from guests for Talkers – June 1, 2020
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Washington, DC
Sunday, May 31, 2020


Three news releases from guests for Talkers – June 1, 2020


Emerge better than ever. Pandemic sleep improvements.

Never before have we had an opportunity to reset our habits. Rise with the sun. Dim the lights with the sun set. No screens after 8pm and to bed by 10pm. Try it for 10 days straight. You will think with alacrity, improve your mood and be in tune with nature.

Karina Krepp, Treal Training

New York, NY





Life and Finances in a Pandemic World

Evolving attitudes toward money and finances. While returning to work may relieve some of the financial stress and anxiety associated with COVID-19, the myriad of emotions sparked by a sharp market downturn and economic recession are not going to disappear. Financial turmoil rightfully raises concerns about current financial security and future financial goals. Right now, we are working with clients to evaluate risk exposures, reviewing financial plans, assessing budgets and savings goals, helping to identify investment opportunities, and taking other steps to help restore their sense of confidence and control. While we understand the urge to panic, we caution against it. People and markets are resilient. This is not a time to throw caution to the wind. It's a time to take measure of the challenges ahead and choose a path through them. We're here to help.

Greg Womack, CFP


Womack Investment Advisers

Edmond, OK 405-340-1717




1918 Flu Epidemic Had Short Lived Economic Consequences

Richard Gottlieb, CEO of Global Toy Experts and Publisher of Global Toy News, has done research revealing that the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic had a very short-lived impact on the global economy. His article on the subject is entitled: "Was There An Economic Collapse Caused By the Flu Epidemic of 1918?" No one is talking about the economic impact of the 1918 Flu epidemic. It is surprising because so much conversation centers around what some fear will be an extremely hard recession or even a depression. As I thought about, it occurred to me that I had never heard about an economic downturn in 1919 or 1920. Rather than a decline, that was the beginning of the Roaring '20s. I believe we can expect the economic impact of the Coronavirus on most people to be short-lived.

Richard Gottlieb

Global Toy Experts / Global Toy News

646 675 3019




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Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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