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The Secret Sauce | Clutter is postponed decisions®
Barbara Hemphill - Productivity Consultant, Work Life Balance Barbara Hemphill - Productivity Consultant, Work Life Balance
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Raleigh, NC
Thursday, June 29, 2023


At the halfway point of our Home Office for Business & Life™ LIVE 4-Week Bootcamp, moving into Week 3, we shared that it was going great! In Week 1 (Equip), participants removed the obvious clutter from their workspaces, and have put the 6 critical components of a productive environment in place. In Week 2 (Flow), they began the process of doing their first sort—making 3 decisions about the paper that is currently cluttering their workspace. (Because, afterall…”Clutter is postponed decisions®!” 

This is the point where participants want to jump ahead and try to do things the way they always have–a critical point in the program! At the end of Week 2 (Flow), we make them promise not to do ANYTHING other than make those first 3 decisions! They are asking great questions about their To Do’s, Tasks & Projects—our reply is consistently “We’ll cover that in Week 3 (Act) when you’ll learn our Secret Sauce!” 

Yes, the third week…they learn the Secret Sauce that Barbara developed and refined over the last 45 years–they will be able to FIND anything they file in seconds so they can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives! This will be covered more in depth in Week 4 (File), but they get the introduction this week as it relates to their current Tasks & Projects. We LOVE Week 3 (Act) and Week 4 (File) – because participants FINALLY have HOPE! They do not have to live with piles of paper in a cluttered, unproductive workspace any longer. They will have a SYSTEM, which truly is the solution to disorganization and overwhelm for good! 

Here’s what one participant had to say about her experience in the Bootcamp so far! 

I am grateful for this journey and grateful for the people along the way! So helpful and non-judgmental. I have to believe things are exactly the way they are supposed to be. This excavating event is bringing on monumental feelings of excitement!????

Would you like to join us for the next Home Office for Business & Life™ LIVE 4-Week Bootcamp

Click here to view the details and enroll – or post a comment here with questions.  

Home Office for Business & Life™

About Barbara Hemphill:

Barbara Hemphill is a renowned Productivity Expert, specializing in work-life balance and helping individuals create productive environments in their homes and offices, along with her team of Certified Productive Environment Specialists™. With over 40 years of experience, she has dedicated her career to assisting clients in transforming their lives by decluttering and organizing their workspaces. Hemphill's practical solutions and expert guidance have earned her a reputation as a leading authority in her field. Visit www.ProductiveEnvironment.com to learn more.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Barbara Hemphill
Dateline: Raleigh, NC United States
Direct Phone: 919-349-9247
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