Monday, March 11, 2024

Leaders are well versed in navigating their way through obstacles. Usually these are fairly easy to accomplish, but every once in a while, you face a doozy.
Many people panic, especially if they are on a deadline. Most of their thoughts are around “how did this happen” or “what did we (I) do wrong?” or “I’m never going to make it on time.”
Sound familiar? Well, you’re in good company.
Instead of focusing on what you have no control over, shift gears and focus on solutions. This is the hard part, especially if you tend to be structured in how you problem-solve.
This situation calls for being more creative. Here are some ideas:
+ Who could possibly help you? My most recent obstacle experience took place in a hotel, so I asked people at the front desk and the manager if they knew anyone who could help me.
+ Get on the phone! Call or text people you know who may know someone who knows someone who can jump in.
+ Stop thinking about it. What? Yes! When you are embroiled in a problem, one of the best solutions happens when your mind steers in another direction. Do something else and when you return to the issue, the solution might be right in front of you.
Finally, from the start you need to have the mindset that you will find the solution. You know that focusing on “I won’t” primes you for failure. Stay focused on the end result and you will get there.
It may not be the way you expected to get there, but what difference does that make if you succeed? Keep an open mind, stay calm, have a clear focus and you will get to where you need to go.
“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan
Header image by Pavel1964/Adobe Stock.